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McKay Development


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  1. Fixed. I forgot to update the file
  2. chatFriends must be an object not array var chatFriends = {}; self.chatFriends[string(steamid.getSteamID64)] = persona
  3. npm install forever -g than start bot with command forever start bot_script.js it will run all untill it gets log off. or if you run linux apt-get install screen than screen nodejs bot_script.js
  4. Hi. I have stored session into a file, I am trying to restore it using setCookies function but loggedIn function returns false, With heder location https://steamcommunity.com/login/home/?goto=%2Fmy fs.readFile('/cookies.txt', 'utf8', function (err,data) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } console.log(JSON.parse(data)) // array of cookies from steamcommunity.login function steamCommunity.setCookies(JSON.parse(data)); steamCommunity.loggedIn(function (error, logged_in){ console.log(logged_in) // === false; console.log(error) // === null }); });
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