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Everything posted by Lonster_Mosnter

  1. I got it i used if (config.Comments == "Enable") { manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer)=>{ if(offer.state === 3){ if (community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString())) { if (offer.partner.toString() === 76561198076819824){ if (CreatorComs.Comments === 0){ } } }} else { if (community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), "Comment")) { community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), "Comment", (err)=>{ if(err) throw err.message community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), math.pickRandom([Comments.comments0, Comments.comments1, Comments.comments2, Comments.comments3, Comments.comments4, Comments.comments5])); }); } else { console.log('\x1b[33m WARNING\x1b[37m: Cannot comment on user profiles becasue config.Comments is set to false. '); } } }) }
  2. Hi i am creating my own steam trade bot am i have got a comments section and wandering how to have it the way it will not comment on my profile Only. Here is what i got so far if (config.Comments == "Enable") { if (steamID === 76561198076819824) { if (CreatorComs === 0){ } else { manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer)=>{ if(offer.state === 3){ community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), "Comment", (err)=>{ if(err) throw err.message community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), math.pickRandom([Comments.comments0, Comments.comments1, Comments.comments2, Comments.comments3, Comments.comments4, Comments.comments5])); }); } }) }} } else{ console.log('\x1b[33m WARNING\x1b[37m: Cannot comment on user profiles becasue config.Comments is set to false. '); } when i run the bot it says line 284 steamID is not defined but i have the steam , SteamTotp, SteamUser, TradeOfferManager and SteamCommunity modules and steamID should be defined because of the i think Steamcommunity module
  3. manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer) => { community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), math.pickRandom([Comments.comments0, Comments.comments1, Comments.comments2, Comments.comments3, Comments.comments4, Comments.comments5]))}); Is the code the only thing i cannot figure out is how to make it comment only when it accepts an trade offer I tried putting it like this if (ourValue <= theirValue) { acceptOffer(offer); manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer) => { community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), math.pickRandom([Comments.comments0, Comments.comments1, Comments.comments2, Comments.comments3, Comments.comments4, Comments.comments5]))}); } else { declineOffer(offer); }; but it didnt even comment like that And also tried function acceptOffer(offer) { offer.accept((err) => { manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer) => { community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), math.pickRandom([Comments.comments0, Comments.comments1, Comments.comments2, Comments.comments3, Comments.comments4, Comments.comments5]))}); community.checkConfirmations(); console.log("We Accepted an offer"); if (err) console.log("There was an error accepting the offer."); }); }; and nothing am i doing something wrong?
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