Excuse me please, for posting post under another, but I'd like thread to be bumped. What does it mean when sticker is not listed on any of the sticker slots on IEconItems, but is placed as HTML tag in item's descriptions on user's inventory? Like here:
"name":"StatTrakâ„¢ SCAR-20 | Crimson Web",
"market_hash_name":"StatTrakâ„¢ SCAR-20 | Crimson Web (Minimal Wear)",
"market_name":"StatTrakâ„¢ SCAR-20 | Crimson Web (Minimal Wear)",
"type":"StatTrakâ„¢ Mil-Spec Grade Sniper Rifle",
"value":"Exterior: Minimal Wear"
"value":" "
"value":"This item features StatTrakâ„¢ technology, which tracks certain statistics when equipped by its owner.",
"value":" "
"value":"StatTrakâ„¢ Confirmed Kills: 715",
"value":"*Stats for this item will reset when used in Steam Trading or Community Market",
"value":" "
"value":"The SCAR-20 is a semi-automatic sniper rifle that trades a high rate of fire and powerful long-distance damage for sluggish movement speed and big price tag. It has been painted using a spider web-patterned hydrographic over a red base coat and finished with a semi-gloss topcoat.\n\n<i>Be careful where you walk, you never know where the web is spread</i>"
"value":" "
"value":"The Arms Deal 2 Collection",
"value":" "
"value":"<br><div id=\"sticker_info\" name=\"sticker_info\" title=\"Sticker Details\" style=\"border: 2px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); border-radius: 6px; width=100; margin:4px; padding:8px;\"><center><img width=64 height=48 src=\"https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/apps/730/icons/econ/stickers/standard/thirteen.bcec4689b3d28dd0c9fd5d3f119842639d286dc5.png\"><br>Sticker: Lucky 13</center></div>",
I, personally can think of one reason why it might be showing like that, but that's jus suspicion; the sticker might be completely scratched. But does it make any sense?