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  1. EDIT: welp thats slightly embarrassing, seems I had a facepalm moment and mixed myself up, was looking at the steamcommunity when I indeed wanted steam-user, and tada there is the functionality I needed right there in my stupid face. My idea is to use the nicknames to make notes and keep track of basic information about people who have interacted with my bot, I realize I could setup some other kind of logging for this, but I would much rather have this information easily visible within steam its self when I login via web and look at the friendslist. [ex https://i.imgur.com/Ns59h2V.png and https://i.imgur.com/ibDUyuj.png] I looked around and didn't seem to find much about it.. But is there currently any functionality to read and set nicknames for people?
  2. Nail'd it^ Just got it working as intended by adding getOffer() in the callback <3
  3. This is driving me crazy, basically when my bot crates a trade that doesn't contain any of the bots items (aka only requesting items from the end user) it fails to trigger sentOfferChanged state #2, but when the trade contains any of the bots items it will trigger state #2. I want state 2 so I can send a quick link to the trade, and it works fine aslong as the trade has any of the bots items within it. Also is it sending the items fine, I see the trade offer if I look on steam for it, but simply do not get the #2 state within the bot. Here is an example: https://i.imgur.com/IRyhbzj.png Whats happening here is: - !takecards is requesting 10 cards from the bot, as you see it gets state 2 (and sends a link to the trade <like so) - I decline - !givecards makes the bot request 10 cards from me, as you see it fails to trigger state 2, but it did send the trade if I look at steam - I decline, and as seen from the oldState is says 2, but bot never trigger the #2 state.. what could I be missing? manager.on("sentOfferChanged", (offer, oldState) => { log("sentOfferChanged - ID: #"+offer.id+", state: "+offer.state+", oldState: "+oldState); if (offer.state == 2) { log("Trade sent.."); sendMessage(offer.partner, msg.TradeOfferSent.replace("{url}", "https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/"+offer.id)); } else if (offer.state == 3) { log("Trade finished.."); sendMessage(offer.partner, msg.TradeOfferThanks); playStatus(); } else if (offer.state == 7) { log("Trade declined.."); } }); For kicks I also tried using the equivalent with confirmationAccepted to see if that triggers state #2 but it results in the same behavior, just doesn't make sense to me that it will only trigger state 2 when and only when bot's items are in the trade. :/ edit; after brainstorming for a bit, I suspect since its not offering items perhaps its immediately state 2 by default thus no sentOfferChanged since nothing "changed"?, perhaps I need some fancy callback within offer.send()?
  4. From this: var offer = manager.createOffer("https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=...."); manager.getInventoryContents(753, 6, true, (err, inventory, currencies) => { inventory.forEach(item => { offer.addMyItem(item); }); offer.send(); }); } I'm trying to figure out how to add items from a different inventory sections into the same trade, for example send one single trade that contains both steam(753) and csgo(730) items.. all of the things I have tried so far seems to either send one or the other but never both. edit: got it working, turned out I kept putting offer.send(); inside the bottom of the first getInventoryContents call, and not inside of the nested secondary getInventoryContents call, which was resulting in only getting the items from the first call. silly me <3
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