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not triggering sentOfferChanged state #2 on trades only requesting items.

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This is driving me crazy, basically when my bot crates a trade that doesn't contain any of the bots items (aka only requesting items from the end user) it fails to trigger sentOfferChanged state #2, but when the trade contains any of the bots items it will trigger state #2.


I want state 2 so I can send a quick link to the trade, and it works fine aslong as the trade has any of the bots items within it.


Also is it sending the items fine, I see the trade offer if I look on steam for it, but simply do not get the #2 state within the bot.


Here is an example:



Whats happening here is:

- !takecards is requesting 10 cards from the bot, as you see it gets state 2 (and sends a link to the trade <like so)

- I decline

- !givecards makes the bot request 10 cards from me, as you see it fails to trigger state 2, but it did send the trade if I look at steam

- I decline, and as seen from the oldState is says 2, but bot never trigger the #2 state..


what could I be missing?

manager.on("sentOfferChanged", (offer, oldState) => {
	log("sentOfferChanged - ID: #"+offer.id+", state: "+offer.state+", oldState: "+oldState);
	if (offer.state == 2) {
		log("Trade sent..");
		sendMessage(offer.partner, msg.TradeOfferSent.replace("{url}", "https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/"+offer.id));
	} else if (offer.state == 3) {
		log("Trade finished..");
		sendMessage(offer.partner, msg.TradeOfferThanks);
	} else if (offer.state == 7) {
		log("Trade declined..");

For kicks I also tried using the equivalent with confirmationAccepted to see if that triggers state #2 but it results in the same behavior, just doesn't make sense to me that it will only trigger state 2 when and only when bot's items are in the trade. :/



edit; after brainstorming for a bit, I suspect since its not offering items perhaps its immediately state 2 by default thus no sentOfferChanged since nothing "changed"?, perhaps I need some fancy callback within offer.send()?

Edited by Schmaltz
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