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  1. client.on('appOwnershipCached', function(e) { console.log("lol"); if(client.ownsApp(730)) { setFloatCompatible(true); } }); this event is not emitted why?
  2. I gave it up to program a steamkit for java! Instead I use https://github.com/eclipsesource/J2V8 binding to run node.js inside Java. This gave me the opportunity to run a steambot inside Java and communicate directly with it!
  3. Does somebody know how to add a Header to a protocol buffer ? And second: Does somebody know how to read the message Type drom an incoming protobuf?
  4. Does somebody know how to compile Emsg.steamd to .java files?
  5. Since nobody really care about this post I will tell what I have done so far: - TCP, UDP, WebSocket Connection to Steam Servers Currently working on: Protobuf sending and response; Steam login
  6. Sorry but I have to inform you with my very bad eenglish because I am from germany that all of the free VPS hoster out there are scam or have such low memory that it is not possible to run a bot on it. So please setup up a complete Server System on your network or simply buy one for round about 5 bucks per month from any hosting provider, if you only want to run a bot on it. I would recommend you to avoid potential free offers from any sites because in general the world is not for freeeeeee!
  7. I want to implement a version of steam-user in java, which is definetly not easy for me. The problem is I dont really know what I have to do to logon to Steam Servers, if I have to make a loop or so that checks if I am connected or something else. So my first goal is to do something like a logon mechanism. I also know how to use protobufs but I dont know which I have to use. Hopefully there is someone out there who can help me out!
  8. I tried to use the node-globaloffensive module and it also worked for me but it is extremly slow and if i want to get item data for all of the items in one big user Inventory, this is not a good solution for now. Also I have to put a delay between the requests because else I it stops working. Do someone recommend something better or how to use this module in a good way to recieve the item data faster?
  9. I am currently programming a Inventoryloader-Bot and I need float values. So I can exstract the inspect-link, but I didn't managed to make a protobufjs request. So I found the node-csgo module for this purpose. My problem is now that the module doesn't work with this kind of Steam User so I want to ask how can I create a node-steam Client Object from a steamuser of this module?
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