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Everything posted by exellian

  1. client.on('appOwnershipCached', function(e) { console.log("lol"); if(client.ownsApp(730)) { setFloatCompatible(true); } }); this event is not emitted why?
  2. I gave it up to program a steamkit for java! Instead I use https://github.com/eclipsesource/J2V8 binding to run node.js inside Java. This gave me the opportunity to run a steambot inside Java and communicate directly with it!
  3. Does somebody know how to add a Header to a protocol buffer ? And second: Does somebody know how to read the message Type drom an incoming protobuf?
  4. Steam is water as a gas
  5. Does somebody know how to compile Emsg.steamd to .java files?
  6. Since nobody really care about this post I will tell what I have done so far: - TCP, UDP, WebSocket Connection to Steam Servers Currently working on: Protobuf sending and response; Steam login
  7. Sorry but I have to inform you with my very bad eenglish because I am from germany that all of the free VPS hoster out there are scam or have such low memory that it is not possible to run a bot on it. So please setup up a complete Server System on your network or simply buy one for round about 5 bucks per month from any hosting provider, if you only want to run a bot on it. I would recommend you to avoid potential free offers from any sites because in general the world is not for freeeeeee!
  8. I want to implement a version of steam-user in java, which is definetly not easy for me. The problem is I dont really know what I have to do to logon to Steam Servers, if I have to make a loop or so that checks if I am connected or something else. So my first goal is to do something like a logon mechanism. I also know how to use protobufs but I dont know which I have to use. Hopefully there is someone out there who can help me out!
  9. I tried to use the node-globaloffensive module and it also worked for me but it is extremly slow and if i want to get item data for all of the items in one big user Inventory, this is not a good solution for now. Also I have to put a delay between the requests because else I it stops working. Do someone recommend something better or how to use this module in a good way to recieve the item data faster?
  10. I am currently programming a Inventoryloader-Bot and I need float values. So I can exstract the inspect-link, but I didn't managed to make a protobufjs request. So I found the node-csgo module for this purpose. My problem is now that the module doesn't work with this kind of Steam User so I want to ask how can I create a node-steam Client Object from a steamuser of this module?
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