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  1. Really fixed a crash if you don't have a HOME environment variable set View on GitHub
  2. Fixed a crash if the logon response doesn't contain parental settingsFixed a crash if you don't have a HOME environment variable set View on GitHub
  3. Fixed internal references to now-removed ETradeOfferState.PendingConfirmation View on GitHub
  4. This is the first beta release of TradeOfferManager v2. There are many breaking changes, so please update your code accordingly. You can install it using npm install steam-tradeoffer-manager@beta. BREAKING Node.js v4 or later is now required and TradeOfferManager will not run on lower versions of NodeBREAKING Removed message and token arguments from TradeOffer#sendSee below for how you can specify a trade offer message and/or token nowBREAKING Removed autoRetry from TradeOffer#acceptThe functionality has been removed entirelyBREAKING Removed getEscrowDuration from both TradeOfferManager and from TradeOfferUse getUserDetails instead (see below)BREAKING Removed TradeOfferManager.getStateName and EResult.getNameUse TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState[value] and TradeOfferManager.EResult[value] instead, respectivelyBREAKING Removed obsolete and unofficial enum values (such as EConfirmationMethod.Mobile and ETradeOfferState.EmailPending)Added value-to-name mappings to bundled enums (except EOfferFilter) so you can do ESomeEnum[value] directly to get its string representationAdded TradeOffer#setMessageAdded TradeOffer#setTokenYou can now provide trade tokens directly in TradeOfferManager#createOfferYou can now use trade URLs instead of SteamIDs in TradeOfferManager#createOfferAdded TradeOffer#getUserDetailsReplaces TradeOfferManager#getEscrowDuration and TradeOffer#getEscrowDurationAdded offerList eventNow uses gzip compression in WebAPI responsesImproved some security by running remove JavaScript from steamcommunity.com in VMs instead of using eval() directlySome of the simpler dependencies (languages, deep-equal, clone) are now bundled in the npm download View on GitHub
  5. Fixed Error objects originating from trade errors having their messages start with "Error: " View on GitHub
  6. Fixed connection drops being treated as fatal errors View on GitHub
  7. Added all current Steam enums as direct properties of the SteamUser export For convenience, each enum also allows you to translate values into names the same way you translate names into valuesAdded setUIMode methodAdded vanityURL property and eventAdded inviteToGroup and respondToGroupInvite methodsNow uses EResult 3 (NoConnection) for the disconnected event when the connection closesProvides parity with the official Steam API View on GitHub
  8. Fixed crash if we receive data for a user that doesn't include an avatarFixed crash if connection is lost in the middle of a web auth attempt View on GitHub
  9. Added avatar URLs to object in user eventAdded msg argument to disconnected eventThe error in error will now be RateLimitExceeded (eresult 84) when Steam is rate-limiting your logins View on GitHub
  10. v3.5.0 had some leftover debug code that was accidentally published View on GitHub
  11. Fixed profile URL cache always being deleted when editing profile View on GitHub
  12. Steam profile URL is now cached for a short time so it doesn't need to be requested all the time in methods that require it View on GitHub
  13. webLogOn now throws an Error if you try to use it while logged on anonymously (thanks @ryantology / @lootmarket in PR #63)Added parental argument to loggedOn eventAdded hasPhone argument to callback of getSteamGuardDetails View on GitHub
  14. Fixed TradeOffer#update() not updating the state property, causing "Unknown state 2" errors when accepting offers (thanks @someazndude in PR #137)Fixed some offers events being delayed by about a minute View on GitHub
  15. Fixed isGlitched always returning true if the manager isn't requesting descriptions (i.e. no language is set)This should fix sentOfferChanged and receivedOfferChanged not being emitted View on GitHub
  16. Added some debug logging to try to track down missing events View on GitHub
  17. Added ability to pass pollData to constructor (thanks @lootmarket via PR #125)Added TradeOffer#isGlitched methodAdded TradeOffer#containsItem methodAdded TradeOfferManager#getOffersContainingItems (issue #128)Fixed EOfferFilter.All not working properlyFixed TradeOffer#state not being updated when an offer is canceled or declinedOnly properties which might change are now updated when TradeOffer#update is called, unless the offer is glitched View on GitHub
  18. Added marketingMessages eventAdded accountInfo property and eventUpdated to use SteamID v1.0.0Now gets the time offset from Steam before finalizing two-factor authentication enabling View on GitHub
  19. When calling finalizeTwoFactor, clock skew is now taken into account (issue #98)Added disable_twofactor example View on GitHub
  20. Fixed sessionExpired event always being emitted for confirmation errors View on GitHub
  21. Reverted to older cheerio version due to memory issues View on GitHub
  22. An Error will now be thrown if you try to create a new TradeOffer using an invalid SteamIDgetOffers will now fail if any offer is missing an accountid_otherUpdated SteamID to v1.0.0 View on GitHub
  23. Fixed fake error when disabling 2FA (issue #96)Added input for CAPTCHA text if necessary to examples (issue #88) View on GitHub
  24. Fixed "Data temporarily unavailable error" when there are no offers to return to getOffers View on GitHub
  25. Fixed an issue where particular offers would break getOffers entirelyApparently some (valid) offers can be empty, because Steam View on GitHub
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