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  1. webLogOn now throws an Error if you try to use it while logged on anonymously (thanks @ryantology / @lootmarket in PR #63)Added parental argument to loggedOn eventAdded hasPhone argument to callback of getSteamGuardDetails View on GitHub
  2. Fixed TradeOffer#update() not updating the state property, causing "Unknown state 2" errors when accepting offers (thanks @someazndude in PR #137)Fixed some offers events being delayed by about a minute View on GitHub
  3. Fixed isGlitched always returning true if the manager isn't requesting descriptions (i.e. no language is set)This should fix sentOfferChanged and receivedOfferChanged not being emitted View on GitHub
  4. Added some debug logging to try to track down missing events View on GitHub
  5. Added ability to pass pollData to constructor (thanks @lootmarket via PR #125)Added TradeOffer#isGlitched methodAdded TradeOffer#containsItem methodAdded TradeOfferManager#getOffersContainingItems (issue #128)Fixed EOfferFilter.All not working properlyFixed TradeOffer#state not being updated when an offer is canceled or declinedOnly properties which might change are now updated when TradeOffer#update is called, unless the offer is glitched View on GitHub
  6. Added marketingMessages eventAdded accountInfo property and eventUpdated to use SteamID v1.0.0Now gets the time offset from Steam before finalizing two-factor authentication enabling View on GitHub
  7. When calling finalizeTwoFactor, clock skew is now taken into account (issue #98)Added disable_twofactor example View on GitHub
  8. Fixed sessionExpired event always being emitted for confirmation errors View on GitHub
  9. Reverted to older cheerio version due to memory issues View on GitHub
  10. An Error will now be thrown if you try to create a new TradeOffer using an invalid SteamIDgetOffers will now fail if any offer is missing an accountid_otherUpdated SteamID to v1.0.0 View on GitHub
  11. Fixed fake error when disabling 2FA (issue #96)Added input for CAPTCHA text if necessary to examples (issue #88) View on GitHub
  12. Fixed "Data temporarily unavailable error" when there are no offers to return to getOffers View on GitHub
  13. Fixed an issue where particular offers would break getOffers entirelyApparently some (valid) offers can be empty, because Steam View on GitHub
  14. Fixed crashes when HTTP responses return non-strings (issue #94) View on GitHub
  15. Fixed an issue which caused offers to be pruned from poll data prematurely View on GitHub
  16. When an offer is successfully accepted, a poll is done immediately so as to expedite the emit of receivedOfferChanged View on GitHub
  17. Fixed crash when cleaning up an old offer ID and we have no offers of a kind (sent/received) (issue #109) View on GitHub
  18. getOffer and getOffers now return an Error when Steam sends back malformed offer data (e.g. no accountid_other, no items on either side) View on GitHub
  19. Fixed an issue where offer send/accept errors resulted in "HTTP error 500" instead of the Steam error message View on GitHub
  20. Fixed issues which could cause events to be missed entirely for offers (thanks to @someazndude in PR #110) View on GitHub
  21. Now uses node-steamcommunity's unified HTTP interfaceAdded a more specific error message for when Steam sends back {"success":false} in response to a trade receipt request (previously "No session")Added community constructor option View on GitHub
  22. Fixed a crash if a request without a callback is blocked View on GitHub
  23. Added unified HTTP interface with pre- and post-hooks and better error handlingAs a result of the better error handling, if you aren't logged in and you try to make a request to an endpoint which requires you to be, the Error's message will be "Not Logged In"The sessionExpired event will now be emitted when we detect that we aren't logged inNode v4.0.0 or later is now suggested (and will be required in the future)Fixed inability to use external SteamID objects (issue #90) View on GitHub
  24. HTTP requests now return a "Not Logged In" Error when we aren't logged in and we need to be View on GitHub
  25. Use the IP to which the CMClient is bound for WebAPI AuthenticateUser calls View on GitHub
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