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Everything posted by General_Wolf

  1. So I'm creating a tf2 bot named Wolfy. I got the trade confirmations, steam login, and such, but the only problem is that how do I identify a tf2 item qualities(Unique, Genuine, Unusuals). Like what am I suppose to do exactly?
  2. I'm a novice in discord,.js but I'm new to this
  3. what do you mean like the split
  4. Like what i'm trying to do is when someone puts !sell in the chat with an argument on it. If there isn't a argument/number on it, the bot replies with "Sorry you must put a number". Since I use discord.js a lot my arguments may be wrong so if it is, please tell me the correct argument: client.on('friendMessage', (senderID, message) => {var args = message.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);if(message == prefix + "sell") {if(!args.length) {client.chatMessage(senderID, 'You didn\'t provide a number');}}}); But here;'s the thing the bot doesn't reply when I didn't provide an argument. So anyways any tips and stuff would be greatly appreciated
  5. also, I'm confused with this meaning of "received - An array of TradeOffer objects for offers received by you matching the filter." I know what to do with an array, but where do I get the trade offer objects from.
  6. I need like a help section on node-steam-tradeoffer-manager,steam-community, steam-totp, and steam-user on where the commands are. Like where should I know where are the command help page. I seem to can't find one in general. I'll really appreciate if someone shows me a link on where it is. Thank you
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