Hey, so I have this function, as follows: checkFriendsAndMessagesWhileOffline() {this.client.on('friendsList', () => {let friendcount = 0;Object.keys(this.client.myFriends).forEach(steamId => {if (this.client.myFriends[steamId] === SteamUser.Steam.EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient) {logger.info(`Friend request while offline from: ${steamId}`); this.client.addFriend(steamId, (err, name) => {if (err) {return logger.error(`Cannot add friend: ${err}`)}logger.info(`Added ${name} as a friend.`);});this.client.chatMessage(steamId, `Thanks for adding me! Type '!help' for commands.`);};});}); this.client.on('offlineMessages', (count, friends) => {logger.info(`${count} messages from ${friends} since your last login.`)});}; Now, above line 5 I want to do something like (pseudo-code) if (this.client.myFriends[steamId] == steamid.isPrivate) { declineFriendship(); } Is there any way to achieve this? Couldn't find anything in the wiki / docs. Many thanks and thanks for all the hard work that went into this project.