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  1. I used selenium webdriver. yES
  2. I added delay and relogin but can't create more than 12. Console says u created account but u actually not created when try to login.
  3. Problem still not solved. Number increased 2 to 12. Still can'T create more than 12
  4. I want to create many accounts in short time. But after two success account create can't create more not working. I guess steam block you after two account create. Also i add third minutes for each create still not work after two.
  5. I don'T want to sign in steam community. I want to sign in a website using Steam Whatever i did it with Selenium Webdriver.
  6. @Dr. Mckay Help please its really important for me.
  7. I only need to make bot run Sign Ä°n command.
  8. I checked everything and tried but failed. How to automatic click Sign in in screenshot. I have link but need to make bot auto click that Sign in button. Screenshot: http://prnt.sc/d11i77 EDIT : I did it with Selenium Webdriver.
  9. I thought people help on this forum. You should give me one clue to where to start. Also i really need a clue. I can't find way to do it.
  10. I did everything last question how can i make bot click Sign In button in this screenshot. I try to connect my bot with my website. Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/d11i77
  11. Thanks I have one more problem. Create account not working. client.logOn(); client.on('loggedOn', function (details) { console.log("Logged as " + client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); client.setPersona(SteamUser.EPersonaState.Online); }); client.createAccount("usernameiwrited", "passwordiwrited", "[email protected]", function (result, steamid) { console.log(result); console.log(steamid); console.log("Account Created."); }); Does not work. I don't have any error or log just skip createaccount part. Account does not create.
  12. I have two questions 1- How to login a non-steam website with steam cookies. I want to auto login bet site. 2- How to use steamuser with steamcommunity sametime.
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