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Posts posted by TomYoki

  1. Hello, I was wandering around my group and noticed that my bots have stopped inviting users to my group after a successful trade (3 bots in total, which do around 100 trades a day with complete strangers).

    In fact, this is not only my group, I tried to make it invite users to my other group (which has only 55 members) and it still didn't invite them.

    Is it something to do with my code or has something changed recently?


    code bit: 

          community.inviteUserToGroup(user, config.groupToInvite, function(err){
                    console.log("Error with inviting user to group\n"+err);
                  } else {
                    console.log(`Invited ${user} to ${config.groupToInvite}`);
  2. You cannot avoid the risk of a ban on your bot accounts, and every other account connected IF you're running a gambling site.

    It does not matter what API you're using, this is just ridiculous. You're still using steam to manage your gambling business, the only way you can do this if you don't involve steam at all (aka running online casino).


    And match betting was never banned, gambling was. Of course, if Valve would want to they could go after these sites as well, knowing their lawyers, but they are not going to bother with such sites.

  3. Using steam for managing gambling sites is against ToS, it doesn't matter if you convert them or not.

    Setting timeouts won't matter - as far as I'm sure steam sends moderators around teh interweb to check for such sites. A lot of the time big gambling site bots get banned and they cannot do anything about it.


    Here's original post about ToS change:


  4. Hello, I was wondering if there's something like 


    or something like that. I went through the trade-manager docs and found nothing that would help me cancel outgoing offers,

    best of what I found was constructor options to cancel offers & poll-data to keep offer data, but none of which is what I'm looking for.


    Is there anything that would let me push trade offer id's into an array and cancel them 1by1?


    Thanks in advance!

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