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  1. yeah, like u said. i'm sorry for my english bad. can u help me for solution?
  2. i want to run my bot on server, and when bot close or logout, how to check the bot is logout and automatically run this bot
  3. i have a trouble, when i make a bot and i running form my pc, a bot it's ok and running succes. when i try from vps and i buy vps unmaged, i'm only install node js and i running my bot it's success. when i buy vps managed, i try to run my bot, my bot can't login to steam. not error and application only stuck there. i asked to support hosting, he said u must enabled port outgoing to steamcommunity. anybody can help me?
  4. How to get Float using node-globaloffensive? can u give a little function for get float using this node-globaloffensive
  5. can u help me to fix this. when i send item to bot with multi item and price, like this. item1 is $1, item2 is $2, item3 is $3. and the bot know where is item the price is $1, $2 and $3. is there any other way to solved it?
  6. why, if i send item from steam site to my bot, the bot use this function -> manager.on('receivedOfferChanged ', function(offer, oldState) { if (offer.state == TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted) { ...... } } and when i send from my website to bot, the bot use this function -> manager.on('sentOfferChanged', function(offer, oldState) { if (offer.state == TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted) { ...... } } i think both is send. and why the bot use different function?
  7. What is DIfferent of receivedOfferChanged and sentOfferChanged? when i used this function manager.on('sentOfferChanged', function(offer, oldState) { if (offer.state == TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted) { ...... } } and when i send item [a,b,c,d] and when bot is accept name of item bot receive is random like this. [b,c,a,d] when i used this function manager.on('receivedOfferChanged ', function(offer, oldState) { if (offer.state == TradeOfferManager.ETradeOfferState.Accepted) { ...... } } and when i send item [a,b,c,d] and when bot is accept name of item bot receive is random like this. [[a,b,c,d]
  8. example : i want to send item to bot used website. item 1, price: $10 item 2, price: $5 how the Bot know item 1 ->$10, and item 2 -->$5. because if i send item and the Bot accept, assetid will change. thank you.
  9. any body get error like this. when i used my code in my hosting, and when i run my script. always like this. any body help me how to setting bot in server, or else. because, when i run my bot in local and used database mysql, it's ok. when i run in my hosting (support node js) always like this.
  10. thank you , sir. it's done. Now, i want to get link of inspect. how to get it?
  11. when someone send item to my bot, item_id = 12345, when item received by my bot, item_id change. how to bot know this new assetid? sorry for bad english.
  12. every any transactions, send/receive trade. why i always get like this:
  13. this is my code; http://pastebin.com/J8Q5JLS8 output ==> -removed- and still awaiting confirm.
  14. @Dr. McKay. nothing. and always awaiting mobile confirmation or do you have any part script for auto accpet mobile confirmation?
  15. but i used your code, not work for me. can u help me??
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