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  1. I wrote a whole 'lil DiscordJS//steam-user bot to tell the homies the score of the match and then discovered the globaloffensive module. Now I'm delving down the hole of all the information I can retrieve from that. This is quite the learning experience. I really should've started with some Node tutorials
  2. This is my first project so I hope this isn't something incredibly nooby. Not familiar with node or Javascript at all. When pulling a users Rich Presence information via: let sID = STEAMIDHERE let rPresence = sClient.users[sID].rich_presence Rich Presence seems to be an object of arrays? It is structured as follows: [ { key: 'status', value: 'Playing CS:GO' }, { key: 'version', value: '13638' }, { key: 'time', value: '18.234842' }, { key: 'steam_display', value: '#display_Menu' } ] I suppose my question is how I could parse this information into a single object so I could access information like: console.log(rPresence.status); 'Playing CS:GO' Thanks in advance! Sorry in advance if I this is very trivial.
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