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  1. I want to someone type my bot !selltf, his sell max 15 sets per game how can i do that? My Code; Inventory.prototype.getCustomerSets = function(ignore, sid64, callback, permit){ let self=this; this.community.getUserInventoryContents(sid64, 753, 6, true, (err, items) => { if(err){ callback(err); } else { items = items.filter(item => { if(item.getTag("item_class").internal_name == "item_class_2" && item.getTag("cardborder").internal_name == "cardborder_0"){ return item; } }); let customer_sets=[], customer_cards={}; items.forEach( card => { const appid=card.market_hash_name.split("-")[0]; if(!customer_cards[appid]){customer_cards[appid]={};} if(!customer_cards[appid][card.market_hash_name]){customer_cards[appid][card.market_hash_name]=[];} customer_cards[appid][card.market_hash_name].push(card); }); for(let appid in customer_cards){ if(self.card_db[appid]){ if(Object.keys(customer_cards[appid]).length == self.card_db[appid]){ let customerHave = Math.min.apply( Math, values(customer_cards[appid]).map( card => card.length ) ), botHave = self.AvailableSets[appid] ? self.AvailableSets[appid].length : 0, limit = permit ? (self.maxStock+permit) : self.maxStock, falt = limit-botHave; customerHave = !ignore ? ( (falt > 0) ? ( Math.min( ...[ falt, customerHave ] ) ) : 0 ) : customerHave; for (let i=0;i<customerHave;i++) { let currentCustomerSet=[] for(let card in customer_cards[appid]){ currentCustomerSet.push(customer_cards[appid][card][i]); } customer_sets.push(currentCustomerSet); } } } else { self.getAppIdCount(appid); } } callback(null, customer_sets); } }); }
  2. community.getUserInventoryContents(partner, 753, 6, true, (error, items) => { if(error) { users.removeReservation(partner, true, removeFunc); return callback(error); } let count = 0; for(let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { let item = items[i]; if(item.type.toLowerCase() != "Trading Card") continue; count += item.amount; if(count > price) { item.amount -= (count - price); count -= (count - price); } offer.addTheirItem(item); if(count == price) break; } if(count < price) { users.removeReservation(partner, true, removeFunc); return callback("You do not have enough gems to purchase random games."); } if(count > price) { users.removeReservation(partner, true, removeFunc); return callback("An unexpected error occurred, please try again."); } offer.send((error, status) => { if(error) { users.removeReservation(partner, true, removeFunc); return callback(error); } if(status == "pending") { community.acceptConfirmationForObject(files.getConfig().identity, offer.id, error => { if(error) { users.removeReservation(partner, true, removeFunc); return callback(error); } callback(null, "https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/" + offer.id); }); } else if(status == "sent") callback(null, "https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/" + offer.id); }); }); break; default: users.removeReservation(partner, true, (error) => { if(error) return callback(error); return callback("Invalid payment method"); }); } }); }); } Where is my fault?
  3. I want take random 5 trading cards how can i do ? i use this; community.getUserInventory(partner, 753, 6, true, (error, items) => {if(error) {users.removeReservation(partner, true, removeFunc);return callback(error);} let count = 0; for(let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {let item = items; if(item.type.toLowerCase() != "Steam Trading Cards")continue; count += item.amount; if(count > price) {item.amount -= (count - price);count -= (count - price);} offer.addTheirItem(item); if(count == price)break;} But dont working help me please
  4. How to fix it i try all webLogOn script but dont working ı use this commands; const async = require('async'); const TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager');var manager = null; const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity');var community = null;const WebAPI = require('@doctormckay/steam-webapi');var api = null;const SteamID = require('steamid'); const steam = require('./steam');const users = require('./users');const files = require('./files'); var first = true;var ongoing = false; exports.setup = (client, cookies, callback) => {manager = new TradeOfferManager({steam: client,domain: "example.net"});community = new SteamCommunity(); manager.setCookies(cookies);community.setCookies(cookies);api = new WebAPI(files.getConfig().apikey);if(first) {callback();first = false;}registerEvents(); community.on("sessionExpired",function(err) {client.webLogOn();});
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