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  1. I prefer to use node.js bot with PHP web-application, and via cURL get json data.
  2. I have steam.startConfirmationChecker(60000, identitySecret); inside of steam.login() { } Yes, but actually it is confirmed in 1min.
  3. I've added: steam.checkConfirmations(); after that: console.log("Offer #" + offer.id + " " + status); and it's still not confirmed autimatically after send trade.
  4. I'm using confirmation polling but I want automatically confirm my offer after send, it is possible?
  5. Hi there. I have problem with sending offer from my bot using tradeoffer-manager, when I try to send some offer only with my items I have status pending. On steam in sent offers I see 'Awaiting for mobile confirmation'. What is wrong? I have turned on 2FA and i'm logged in steam with my bot. My code: var offer = manager.createOffer("[U:1:123456789]"); offer.addMyItem({"appid": 730, "contextid": 2, "assetid": "1234567890"}); offer.send("Lorem ipsum...", "12345678", function(err, status) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log("Offer #" + offer.id + " " + status); } });
  6. Hi there. I own few bots and I don't know how to make script, which bot should send trade offer to receive items from user. It can be made from steam bot or should I store data with items on the each bot in database? Or there is maybe some error code when bot can't receive items so I will check the next bot?
  7. Access Denied will show when I haven't deposit 5EURO on steam account, yes?
  8. Hi. It is available to check before send trade offer that is user have enabled two Factor verification? I dont want escrow trades on my website.
  9. So solution is hold bots on different servers if I dont want to reach limit?
  10. If I will create a lot of trade offers from 1 IP I will get rate-limited too on my address? what is other option to load inventory without bot?
  11. So If I need for example to load about 100 inventories per minute I need 50 bots?
  12. Hi there. My web-app have ATM about 10k users. It is good idea to use only 1 bot for loadUserInventory on my web app or should I make more bots for this? Regards.
  13. What is the solution to hold more than 1 bot in 1 app? var logOnOptions1, var logOnOptions2, var logOnOptions3, etc.? or var bot1 = new SteamCommunity(); var bot2 = new SteamCommunity();
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