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Everything posted by seler

  1. I prefer to use node.js bot with PHP web-application, and via cURL get json data.
  2. I have steam.startConfirmationChecker(60000, identitySecret); inside of steam.login() { } Yes, but actually it is confirmed in 1min.
  3. I've added: steam.checkConfirmations(); after that: console.log("Offer #" + offer.id + " " + status); and it's still not confirmed autimatically after send trade.
  4. I'm using confirmation polling but I want automatically confirm my offer after send, it is possible?
  5. Hi there. I have problem with sending offer from my bot using tradeoffer-manager, when I try to send some offer only with my items I have status pending. On steam in sent offers I see 'Awaiting for mobile confirmation'. What is wrong? I have turned on 2FA and i'm logged in steam with my bot. My code: var offer = manager.createOffer("[U:1:123456789]"); offer.addMyItem({"appid": 730, "contextid": 2, "assetid": "1234567890"}); offer.send("Lorem ipsum...", "12345678", function(err, status) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log("Offer #" + offer.id + " " + status); } });
  6. Hi there. I own few bots and I don't know how to make script, which bot should send trade offer to receive items from user. It can be made from steam bot or should I store data with items on the each bot in database? Or there is maybe some error code when bot can't receive items so I will check the next bot?
  7. Access Denied will show when I haven't deposit 5EURO on steam account, yes?
  8. Hi. It is available to check before send trade offer that is user have enabled two Factor verification? I dont want escrow trades on my website.
  9. So solution is hold bots on different servers if I dont want to reach limit?
  10. If I will create a lot of trade offers from 1 IP I will get rate-limited too on my address? what is other option to load inventory without bot?
  11. So If I need for example to load about 100 inventories per minute I need 50 bots?
  12. Hi there. My web-app have ATM about 10k users. It is good idea to use only 1 bot for loadUserInventory on my web app or should I make more bots for this? Regards.
  13. What is the solution to hold more than 1 bot in 1 app? var logOnOptions1, var logOnOptions2, var logOnOptions3, etc.? or var bot1 = new SteamCommunity(); var bot2 = new SteamCommunity();
  14. I see captcha-url by console.log(err.captchaurl); after read captcha I've add it to the var logOnOptions = { "accountName": "here_username", "password": "here_password", "captcha": "here_captcha_from_url" }; but I have still the same error but next time with other captcha-url.
  15. Hi there. When I try to start tradeoffer-manager I have fail on login with error CAPTCHA. What is wrong?
  16. At the moment I know how to accept trade as bot, but how to create trade as bot to user of website?
  17. Better and faster option is create MVC app with node.js than implement it via curl or ajax into php?
  18. I know how to but I don't know where, on which function should I do this. And also I have question, all trades to my bot will be automatically accepted?
  19. Hi there! I have few questiona bout your's node-steam-tradeoffer-manager api. For example, we have 2 steam accounts: user of my website and my bot. 1 step - user want to send his item to my bot and I want to put this into mysql, so user will create trade offer but how to automatically accept it as bot and make sql query? 2 step - second situation, bot have some item and I want to make trade offer for my user. How to do it? And I want to do sql query when the trade will be accepted by user. Best regards for you, Matt.
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