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McKay Development


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  1. client.requestFreeLicense([730], function(err, grantedPackages, grantedAppIDs) is works better then .gamesPlayed. Mfg
  2. Getting a Respond from ClientAuthListAck. But seems like something is not working. If u got any ideas @doctormckay let me know. If not this issue can be closed. Thank you anyways for your help
  3. Trying to get my Bot to watch live-matches
  4. Hello i need for my project the Ticketcrc and the h_steampipe, i looked into the documentation, i thought i can do it with AuthTicketstatus but that does not seem to work at all. I get a ticket and thats it. I cant get any information about the encryptionKeyeither. For the next question, does anyone know where i get more informations to h_steam_pipe? Cause i cant find any. Thanks for your help guys. Have a great day!
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