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Posts posted by sNIP

  1. Just since 8 hours ago, my bot stop working, it does not accept trade-offers. so when I tried to restart it, I get stuck in setCookies() portion, it gives error 403.


    I logged in my accounts, check community market, I can purchase just fine. Checked badge pages, can craft just fine. It seems all of my accounts that I idle in ASF stopped working too.

    Did you use "startConfirmationChecker"?

  2. Yes, you should put that outside of any callback. It should only ever be called once.


    Also, there's no use in nesting it inside a setTimeout.

    Sure? I though that if I need to use steam-community I  need to constantly login in in order to not receive "Not logged" in error

  3. Every time you get a new web session, you're starting a new interval to call client.webLogOn(). So after a half hour, your web logon rate has elapsed 6 times and now you're calling client.webLogOn() 6 times every 30 minutes.

    I wanted to log-in every 5 minutes, is this a problem? Should I move : 

            setInterval(function () {
            }, pollRate.webLogOn);

    out of:

    client.on("webSession", (sidcookies=> {
        // This is where the setInterval Was
  4. I kept getting 403 from my VPS server, I tried testing 5 bots yesterday, everything was fine, but since I woke up on the next day, I kept getting 403 on both community and steam store, but the bot logs in fine.


    client.on("webSession", (sidcookies=> {

        // this is for keeping the bot in the steam network:
            setInterval(function () {
            }, pollRate.webLogOn);

    pollRate.webLogOn is 1000 * 60 * 5

    I honestly do not know what is happening, since this is the third time I got permanently 403'ed on ip. I do not do anything malicious, I do not add friends, I do not send offers, I just tried to chat with the bots.

    Really looking forward for some help

  5. Is it ok to use SDA alongside node js steam bot, or its better to just use SDA for extracting steam secrets, then using steam toptp for confirming trades? Can I use both, without running into problems?

    If I need to create a new account with no phone number and no 2fa, can I actually add them through node js?



    Another question is can SDA actually be compiled on linux(ubuntu)?  I actually managed to get it working with mono(not compiling just using mono instead of wine on the .exe)

  6. Yesterday I was testing my steam bot to get my inventory and to send some offers. I had sent about 50 offers only to my main account(which I declined them all) and I fetched my inventory like 70~times. Nothing was wrong, even at the end of the testing. Today when I tried to access steam on my vps server, no matter logged or not, it gives me 403 forbidden. What did I do wrong? Did steam ban me temporary because I was pooling too much or banned the ip forever. The account seems fine, client.on("accountLimitations") returns false. I didn't do anything malicious, how to proceed if I want to run my bot on dedicated server again?


    The pollings I used.


    fetch friend list for their personas(did this only once yesterday)




    setInterval( function() {


    }, 1000*60*5


    Edit: I have seems to have forget the bot running midnight, but is that really a problem?


    Edit2: Loggin in is fine, just cant send offers and anything that have job with steamcommunity


    Iam getting 403 from both steamcommunity and steam store but I can log in fine


    Edit3: I just bought a new ip and everything works fine for now

  7. I want to keep track of what item I have sent to a partner. For an example:

    I have 10  SAME* items that I want to giveaway to random users. But I need to track which item I have sent, so I don't send 1 unique item to 2 persons as a trade offer.


    * By same I mean items with the same market_hash_name



    So my questions are:

    does assetid change?

    can I use just "id" to track which items I have sent?

    can an item have no assetid?

    can one or more items have the same assetid in ONE inventory


    Thanks in advance

  8. var offer = manager.createOffer(partnerId);
    offer.getUserDetails(function (err, them) {
    console.log(`Error getting trade info of partnerId; ${partnerId}\nerr:${err}`);


    Before I want to send an offer, I want to check the partner inventory.
    what will console.log(them.contexts); print? I can't test it because my bot account can't trade till 15 days are passed.

    Does it just print the contexts of the games that the partner have? If this is the case, is manager.getUserInventoryContents the way to get trade?

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