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McKay Development


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  1. how can i create a token progrmically from here https://steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers is it posible to build it with node-steam-gameserver? if not can you teach me how to create it?
  2. i have windows and i test it and runs all ok but when i want to use centos 7 to run it on my server it does not work!! steam-user client.logOn does not give me error and do nothing it is so weird i have tried it into 4 different linux servers still the same what do you think the problem is? my code : const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var client = new SteamUser(); client.logOn({ accountName: 'test', password: 'tes',}) client.on('loggedOn', () => { console.log('logged on'); }); client.on('error', (err) => { console.log(err); });
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