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Everything posted by NULL;

  1. Hello everyone! So I've been working on a bot that will invite people to a steam group when they accept the friend request, my following question for this is if it's possible to add random people. For an example: One person adds the bot, then we add all their friends from their friendlist and so that cycle goes on. If you got any ideas then please hit me up. I'll also import my code below. // DEFINES const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); const config = require('./config.json'); const client = new SteamUser(); // CONFIGS var message = "Hello, would you like to be kind and join my steam group? :)"; var messageNoReply = "Sorry, but this account is a bot. We can't answer you :("; var delay = 2000; // LOGIN const accountInfo = { accountName: config.accountName, password: config.password }; client.logOn(accountInfo); client.on('loggedOn', function(details) { console.log("Logged into steam successfully!"); client.setPersona(SteamUser.EPersonaState.Online); }); // REQUEST MANAGER client.on('friendRelationship', (steamid, relationship) => { if (relationship === 2) { // ACCEPT PENDING ERQUESTS console.log("Accepted friendrequest from: " + steamid); client.addFriend(steamid); } if (relationship === 3) { setTimeout(function() { // SEND MESSAGE & INVITE TO GROUP client.chatMessage(steamid, message); client.inviteToGroup(steamid, config.groupID); console.log("Action against: " + steamid); // REMOVE FRIEND setTimeout(function() { client.removeFriend(steamid) console.log("Removed friend: " + steamid); }, 5000); }, delay); } }); // FRIENDSLIST client.on("friendsList", function() { console.log("%j", client.myFriends); }); // REPLY WITH NO-REPLY MESSAGE client.on('friendMessage', function(steamid, message) { client.chatMessage(steamid, messageNoReply); }); Thank you all for helping around within this community!
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