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Everything posted by OczkoSX

  1. I will create separate poll data file for every bot, no problem with that. Thanks for all the responses, gonna ask here If I need further assistance
  2. So what you think? Calling shell script within pm2 start config file (altogether with other node files) and exec many pm2 start bot [id] from the script?
  3. I was thinking about bash script, but I can't get a json array length the simple way. I was thinking about making .js file and spawning child processes?
  4. And how would you run these instances? I need to check length of an array in .json file (bots' credentials) and then launch many bot.js with given id (node bot 0, node bot 1...node bot 90 etc.). I'm using PM2
  5. Hi. I need to run many accounts (it may be even 100accs in the future) so I can't just copy methods and functions for every account. I was thinking about few solutions: 1) running separate instances of bot.js with given botID as a parameter (node bot.js [id]): - pretty easy - bots don't depend on each other, won't crash others 2) make a bot class and make an array: - if one bot crashes, the others too - easier then the first one Which one do you think? I would go with the first one. How can I launch many instances of an app? I would need to check length of .json file and then make a for-loop. Best regards
  6. I just wasn’t sure. I launch many bots in the same dir with the same polling file, gonna rename it
  7. Match betting was Never banned? What about csgolounge?
  8. that's what i've heard once and wasn't sure, thanks. And what with these pollings?
  9. And how do sites like fanobet, csgo188 still exist?
  10. What if I stop using OpenID and let users create their accounts on site?
  11. Okay, thank you for response. And what about polling?
  12. Hi. I’m making a betting site and I’m not sure about certain things. I’ve got a system where I simply deposit skins and convert them to coins (them you can buy skins for them). Is it against steam’s ToS? I think it’s legal because I’ve seen it on many sites and only direct betting is banned (you bet using skins, not coins). The second question is about getting users’ inventories. I’m using steamcommunty api and I cache results (people can refresh inv every 5mins). It is fine now for 10 active users, but what happens when I will have 100 requests every minute from different users (100 users will want to check their inventories)? How can i improve that and avoid getting timed out? I think I made all things clear, ask if you don’t get something. Thanks In advance.
  13. Hello, Ive got some questions regarding steam trade offer manager. The first one - can I use single polling file for multiple bots instances? The second - how many trades can I send and have pending at one time? I don’t know what limit should I set on my page. All answers will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  14. I won't do that then. Thanks!
  15. So I need to handle both events to get rid off old and new requests?
  16. Hi. Is this event triggered even when someone invites bot to friends while he's offline and then the bot is being turned on? I need t cancel every request sent while the bot was offline
  17. I don't really now to be honest. I've just thought that it will be good feature when something went wrong. Should I declare global variable with a Boolean value, set it as true in reconnect function, and read whether it is true on disconnect event and then log?
  18. Im connected with steam. I want to log off, and then log in. How Can I do it? I've tried doing Client.logOff(), Client.logOn(details); but it returns that im already logged. Thanks in advance
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