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McKay Development


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    Things, lampposts, waterfalls

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  1. Hello, I'm getting this error every now and then after calling postUserComment() and inviteUserToGroup(). Since this happens in rare occasions I wasn't able to check the value of response.body, but i think this happens when i lose the steamcommunity session? .../node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:101 if (response.statusCode == 403 && response.body && response.body.match(/<div id="parental_notice_instructions">Enter your PIN below to exit Family View.<\/div>/)) { TypeError: response.body.match is not a function at SteamCommunity._checkHttpError (.../node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:101:67) at Request._callback (.../node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:50:61) at Request.self.callback (.../node_modules/request/request.js:186:22) at emitTwo (events.js:106:13) at Request.emit (events.js:192:7) at Request.<anonymous> (.../node_modules/request/request.js:1081:10) at emitOne (events.js:96:13) at Request.emit (events.js:189:7) at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (.../node_modules/request/request.js:1001:12) at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:291:19) Can I handle this somehow? Because it's crashing my app and i don't know how to handle this other than restarting everything with forever. Thanks
  2. Only app_data EconItem { appid: 440, contextid: '2', assetid: '4723781293', classid: '2674', instanceid: '11040547', amount: 1, missing: false, currency: false, background_color: '3C352E', icon_url: '...', icon_url_large: '...', tradable: false, actions: [ { link: 'http://wiki.teamfortress.com/scripts/itemredirect.php?id=5002&lang=en_US', name: 'Item Wiki Page...' } ], name: 'Refined Metal', name_color: '7D6D00', type: 'Level 3 Craft Item', market_name: 'Refined Metal', market_hash_name: 'Refined Metal', commodity: false, market_tradable_restriction: 7, market_marketable_restriction: 0, id: '4723781293', fraudwarnings: [], descriptions: [], owner_descriptions: [], owner_actions: [], tags: [], marketable: false } After restarting the bot (or by editing that part of code in OP) app_data is returned correctly again.
  3. Well, i hoped there was a better solution but thanks
  4. I need the app_data.def_index of the items i’m receiving or giving in a tradeoffer, but many times app_data is missing. I managed to get around this by editing checkNeededDescriptions()in classes/TradeOffer.js so it ignores the if(!manager._hasDescription(item))part and pushes the item anyway but i don’t think this is the right solution. Any help? I'm trying to get the def_index in a wrong way? Thanks
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