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  1. Hello I can't find, is possible to buy game as gift for friend?
  2. Hello Someone have code to creating multiple accounts? Im tried and always after few I have error 84, I tried create next account after higher delay but same problem. Better was with reloging after every account but also after 3-4 same error.
  3. I think its other limit than time. I set intervals on 10 minutes and still first 2 accounts are created, next with error 84. Im using method logOn() without params, so its anonymous I think. Maybe I need to login on steam account?
  4. Yes I know its rate limit error. But I get it always after 2 created accounts. Can I work around it? Using proxy etc? Or I need to set more intervals?
  5. Hello I created script for creating steam accounts from csv file. Always script creating 2 account and next throw Error code: 84. I have inteval 1 minute every each loop. Its time limit and I need to extend this or other limit?
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