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Everything posted by Arty

  1. Thank you for clarification!
  2. Indeed. I would like to replicate the same functionality. Automatically approve logins.
  3. When you have a Steam Guard authenticator app setup and login using the Steam Client, you'll receive a notification and even without it, when you open the app, you're presented with a screen, where you may approve/decline the login request.
  4. Hello, I think I'm just doing something wrong, but when listening for confirmations, whenever I login using the desktop Steam Client and it awaits an approval, nothing new appears in community.getConfirmations(). Is it possible to approve logins like the Steam Client does? @Dr. McKay Edit: Additionally, would it be possible to approve a QR code login using the library?
  5. Hi, I have just returned to this all after CS2 came out, and I'm not really sure on how to obtain ranks for each map as it is now the new standard. Has anyone tried it yet?
  6. Any ideas why this might be happening? @Dr. McKay
  7. @Dr. McKay sorry for the delayed update on this matter. I decided the best course of action here is to just record what I mean on tape. On the video you can witness my code, but I did remove the account credentials for the duration of the recording. I'm using traditional accountName and password combination, since I figured a refreshToken might be tied to a specific machine. The code I ran is executed on a machine with a different public IP to mine, yet the disturbance still occurs. Video:
  8. Hello, I am aware that node-globaloffensive is sort of dead at this point, but I would like to ask anyway, since this may be useful for me when creating my own replacement for the outdated node-globaloffensive project. Whatever happened to GCCStrike15_v2_MatchListRequestLiveGameForUser? Is there an updated approach, or is this done for? CS:GO still does share watch information, so it must be possible.
  9. Well, simply said, it doesn't solve the problem. Even with logonID in place, my existing session gets disrupted. To be clear, it isn't closed or anything like that, it's only doing weird stuff like not showing me my online friends etc.
  10. I might be just lost, but how should I do that? user.logOn( { refreshToken, logonID: 123456789 } ); Such code doesn't work, is there anything else I need to do?
  11. Perhaps you might have an idea? @Dr. McKay
  12. Hello, is it possible to login with node-steam-user without interrupting existing steam network sessions? To be more precise, whenever I login with my node-steam-user script, I can see steam notifying me about friends coming online, since I basically get disconnected from my established session and reconnected. This also seems to be causing other problems as well, which is not really ideal. As far as I'm concerned, this doesn't happen when logging from another location using the Steam Client. Although I haven't yet logged in twice from the same location, I'm pretty sure it happens even from other locations from my previous experiences. EDIT Just did a quick test and yes, this behavior does in fact occur even when logging from a remote location, which means node-steam-user must have something to do with this. (Indeed, this behavior is tied to node-steam-user, since it does not happen when using Steam Client)
  13. Is it possible to get user's rich presence with node-steam-user or node-steamcommunity, ideally actually listen to changes to rich presence as well.
  14. Is there a build in method to get and change steam profile description/summary? I wasn't able to find anything about such functionality documented, that's why I'm asking here
  15. Arty

    about xp tracker

    Well, just to set things straight in my suggestion, you DO need to have someone in friends in order to keep track of their current status, however if you're just pooling information, then yes, you don't need to. Also what I was referring to is the fact that in your draft, you're requesting a player profile of the currently logged in user, so if you were logged in and playing, it could cause issues, if that was your approach. Looking again at your code, it could well be, because based off the official documentation, there are no such fields you are utilizing present in the callback of `playersProfile` event. Please refer to https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-globaloffensive#requestplayersprofilesteamid-callback as `xp`, `competitiveWins` nor `gamesRemaining` are not a thing, not even by the `CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingGC2ClientHello` protobuf which is utilized by `CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_PlayersProfile`, that being what you actually receive. Edit: What you could possibly be looking for are the following fields: profile.player_cur_xp profile.ranking.wins For the variable gamesRemaining I wasn't able to find a substitute, since I don't even know what that could possibly be. Your bonus XP has nothing to do with how many games you played, it's a static amount of xp that you receive in chunks based off your performance in a match, possibly missing out on it if you don't play as far as I'm concerned.
  16. Arty

    about xp tracker

    I'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve here, maybe I'm just not getting your point, but here is what I think you're doing wrong. If you want to track your XP in CS:GO, you will have to drastically change your approach. The .requestPlayersProfile method does not track a profile, it only requests it's current state, once. Also as I can see, you're tracking your account by actually logging into it, which I would advise against, since Valve does not actually support this kind of behavior. If I understood your issue correctly, then here's what I would do; 1. Create a separate bot, add your accounts to it's friends 2. Setup a script that would track status of your friends 3. (This I'm not sure actually works this way) It could be possible that friend accounts do update, if not, then just request it's data some while after a match is finished (like 1 second or something like that) I hope this was helpful.
  17. Hello, I've been browsing a bit about the node-steam-user package on third party sites and I frequently encountered .respondToLobbyInvite method, since I want my bot to be able to join a CS:GO lobby to check trust factor, however this method doesn't seem to exist. I've also found that it should exist since version 4.4.0 onwards, but even after browsing through v4.4.0 downloaded from github, I wasn't able to find anything related. Can someone clarify what's going on here?
  18. I haven't really had the chance to investigate VAC/penalization update events, but what I am looking for is an event which is emitted when the account gets penalized or vac banned, if there is any. While playersProfile does contain these fields, it doesn't populate them even if requested on your own account as far as I can tell, so checking it periodically is out of question. On the documentation pages I also couldn't find anything related. If anyone knows how to get to these events, please let me know. PS: My theory is that accountData is emitted if this data changes, however I have no shot at verifying that, since I'm not about to get myself banned just for the sake of verification.
  19. In that case it could be the ID, perhaps? Just to be clear, the ID needs to be ID64 and the requested user needs to be online, as per the documentation, the requested profile must be online in CS:GO and be on your friendlist. What I suggest doing is trying to request the player profile of your own account, which certainly should work; You can get your ID from the loggedOn event's details (.client_supplied_steamid)
  20. Alright, it seems I got it working. user.gamesPlayed( [ ] ); user.logOff( ); While using user.logOff( ) as per @Dr. McKay seemed to work at times, having user.gamesPlayed( [ ] ); & user.logOff( ) seems to work all the time.
  21. Thanks for the reply. Just in case, I'll ask anyway; isn't there a way to let GC know you closed CS? Eg something like user.gamesPlayed([]) or csgo.close()?
  22. To be honest, it seems weird that GC wouldn't emit the accountData on each launch, it seems more likely that the module ignores it or something.. @Dr. McKay
  23. I have checked on that message, I don't remember what it was specifically but It's not a necessity
  24. Odd, I tried using all data directly and worked flawlessly, yet when I'm running inside a worker thread and pass it the data, it refuses to work, going as far as not even returning all data correctly (missing vanity_url etc) EDIT: Turns out that it might something even more complicated. The login goes through fine, yet the client_supplied_steamid I get is not even a possible ID
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