Previously, my software had authorization of a newly registered account followed by saving authorization cookies via the following code:
const client = new (require('steam-user'))({
[`${[[PROXY_TYPE]].toLowerCase()}Proxy`]: [[PROXY_STRING]],
[[COOKIES]] = await(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.on('webSession', (_, cookies) => {
client.on('error', reject);
accountName: [[LOGIN_STEAM]],
password: [[PASSWORD_STEAM]],
but after some time I noticed that after such authorization - Steam turns on MailGuard spontaneously (if at the same time to fill out the profile, through requests, then turning on MailGuard - 100%).
In the same order of actions, but through emulation (I do everything through BAS) - MailGuard is not spontaneously enabled
I am wondering if there is any way to fix this so that MailGuard is not turned off all the time?
Or, is it possible to do authorization via steam-session, since I get RefreshToken after registering an account?
Here's an example of Steam's response after registering:
Many thanks!