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  1. Can you provide new option accessToken for this request?
  2. In the first screenshot, the request with the token is executed and the offer is displayed. On the second screen only with the api key
  3. Sorry, I forgot to insert the code for the getAuthCode function. Maybe that's why you couldn't reproduce? const getAuthCode = async (shared_secret) => { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { SteamTotp.getAuthCode(shared_secret, (err, code) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(code) } }) }) }
  4. Could you please give more code? It's hard to give an answer with this. The account must be without the $5 limit, to get the API key. Error 429 - too many requests should add delays. SDA can also be the source of the problem
  5. const main = async () => { const client = new SteamUser() client.on('error', (error) => { console.log('error: ', error.message) }) const account = { accountName: 'somelogin', passwod: 'wrongpass', shared_secret: 'shared=' } const code = await getAuthCode(account.shared_secret) client.logOn({ accountName: account.accountName, password: account.passwod, twoFactorCode: code, }) } main() //logs error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword Process finished with exit code 0 The problem only occurs with this error. Also, the number of listener calls is different every time
  6. My bot goes through the accounts and confirms all offers/confirmations (respondToAllConfirmations). There were no problems for just a couple of weeks. But now the error 429 error has started to appear periodically. Could it be because Steam has introduced new limits?
  7. I suspect that the client may call event disconnected itself. Since sometimes I get a callback that handles this event This is just my guess, maybe the problem is elsewhere.
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