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  1. Hi. i have a trading bot. here is my problem: context: i can use the them.escrowDays to check if they have their Mobile steam guard authenticator activated. if it's greater than 0, they don't (99 percent of the time, this method works for me) i show user the error, they activate their steam guard, then will come back in a few days. here is my question: is there a way for me to check how many days is left of their 15 days of trade hold? like if they activated their steam guard on may 10th and come back on may 20th, is there a way for me to tell them they have to come back in 5 days?
  2. Hi Doc! is there a way to use rotating proxies? getUserInventoryContent will give 429 error (rate limit) after maybe 20-30 times. can i rotate the proxy every 5-15 minute to avoid this rate limit?
  3. this happed to me right now. thanks for this question. i helped me a lot ❤️
  4. Hi guys. Just wanted to share my frustration with the globaloffensive package. How hard it was to connect to the game client, taking me over 4 weeks of part time development and in the end, reading the source code for csfloat/inspect to make it work! for it to no longer be needed (we are running csfloat in docker directly now) P.S: Jokes aside, thanks a lot doc. the packages are amazing, ALL of them. Wishing you the best ❤️
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