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Everything posted by rektbot

  1. I am seeing this 302 issue however the information is still being updated correctly. eg. name/customurl/avatar. go figure? function updateProfile() { // PROFILE SETTINGS--------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG && console.log("UPDPROF: Setting Name & CustomURL"); community.editProfile({ "name": accName, "customURL": accCustomURL, }, function(err){ if (err) { DEBUG && console.log("UPDPROF: Error Occured - " + err); accWithError = true; profileDone = true; } else { DEBUG && console.log("UPDPROF: Name & CustomURL Updated!"); profileDone = true; } });
  2. (thanks for the help in the other thread, i made a small donation) The below is called after client.on('loggedOn', () => {. I receive the email but don't get a result. function reqValidation() { client.requestValidationEmail((result) => { console.log(result); }); }
  3. As an update: After logging on to the new account with credentials, steam sends a validation email but i never get a result.... hrmm.
  4. Hi There, After creating a new account and calling client.requestValidationEmail I am not getting any result or error. I notice that a NewUser is given a prefix = [a:1 whereas a user = [u:1 Do I need to logoff and logon as the new user first?
  5. Ah I have to be explicit. Sorry for being a noob. Paypal donation sent as thanks.
  6. Apologies I must be missing something but I can't spot it. password and new email are mandatory options;code, twofactor, sms are optional (code is optional in first instance)callback is optional; i've tried setting err & smsemailCould you give me a gentle nudge in the right direction please?
  7. Hi There, Having a callback issue with the changeEmail command. Any help would be very appreciated. Code: (logOnOptions removed) function ChangeEmail(password){ client.changeEmail(password, myemail, function(err) { console.log(err); emailDone = true; // just a poor handler, still get error without it. }); } client.logOn(logOnOptions); client.on('loggedOn', function() { console.log("Logged into Steam"); ChangeEmail(password); }); Error: /node_modules/steam-user/components/account.js:143 callback(Helpers.eresultError(body.eresult)); ^ TypeError: callback is not a function I have also tried simplifying to: client.changeEmail(password, myemail);
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