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Everything posted by elixir

  1. I think there's a way to do it for CS:GO items. As I know (my friend told me), image is generated for each asset personally. So I think we can compare the images and if there's 100% match we can be sure that item's with different prices doesn't mix up.
  2. I currently work on the same thing and there is one problem I don't know how to solve. I have two bots between which I move my items. The info about items and their locations (account name) is stored in database and after trade I want to update item's assetid and location in database. The problem is that I don't know how to map the objects returned by offer.getReceivedItems with old assetid's. I thought about mapping by market_hash_name of old and new items, but I'm not sure it's proper way because some items' prices depend on their visual charecteristics. For example, in CS:GO there can be two items with equal market_hash_name, but with different prices because of the different pattern position. That's why I'm worried about real mapping of the received items with sent items. Do you think there is any way of real mapping?
  3. Yes, that was the problem. Thank you. Is it supposed to behave like that? Maybe just make this function return false or throw an error in this case?
  4. I'm currently writing a bot management system and stuck on disconnecting bots. Whenever I call logOff() function, I get an error that crashes my application. events.js:276 throw new TypeError('listener must be a function'); ^ TypeError: listener must be a function at CMClient.removeListener (events.js:276:15) at SteamUser.logOff.SteamUser.disconnect (E:\Projects\steam-bot-manager\node_modules\steam-user\components\logon.js:151:14) ... The line 151 of logon.js is: this.client.removeListener('connected', this._onConnected);Any ideas why this happens? P.S. I already tried handling 'error' and 'disconnected' events. No success.
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