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  1. Hello guys, im currently getting TradingPartners Inventory from Steams Json Api like this: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/STEAMID/inventory/json/730/2 In gernal, there seems to be no AssetId which i need to add the Item to the trade offer. Some items contain the assetID in the "view Ingame" link so i could parse it. It looks like that: steam://rungame/730/SteamID/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S%owner_steamid%A%assetid%D7116476999790771279 So there is a assetId i could use but im not even sure if its the real Items Asset Id of my TradePartners Inventory or just from an Steam CSGO Item to display it. Anyways, for Items like CSGO Cases, there is not even a a link which contains a assetId. How should i provide the Item Informations which TradeOffersManager need? Is there acually any way to use this Steam Api for the trades? Thanks!
  2. Hello, i have a problem which happens not so often but it is very annoying. My jackpot bot tried to accept one offer and got this message "Error: Cannot load new trade data: Data temporarily unavailable", then tried to accept offer one more time and got another message "[Error: There was an error accepting this trade offer. Please try again later. (11)] eresult: 11". Offer was accepted but items didn't come into pot.
  3. From time to time (I think when more time has elapsed) webLogOn won't work properly, i have to wait for about 3-4 minutes (with message HTTP error 401) to send trade offer. Example debug output: .................................................. info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Offer type receive----Error: HTTP error 401info: Resend because of error ----Error: HTTP error 401info: Logged into Steam as xxxxxdebug: Got web sessiondebug: Trade offer cookies set. Got API Key: xxxxxx My send offer function: function sendOffer(offer, tradeToken, offerType, socketClient, bot, gameId) { offer.send('', tradeToken, function (err) { if (err) { bot.webLogOn(function (sessionID, newCookie) { getSteamAPIKey({ sessionID: sessionID, webCookie: newCookie }, function (err, APIKey) { offers.setup({ sessionID: sessionID, webCookie: newCookie, APIKey: APIKey }); }); }); logger.info('Offer type ' + offerType + '----' + err); if (err == 'Error: HTTP error 401' || err == 'Error: HTTP error 503') { logger.info('Resend because of error ----' + err); sendOffer(offer, tradeToken, offerType, socketClient, bot, gameId); } else { if (offerType == 'receive') { console.log('receive' + err); socketClient.emit('send-offer-error', err); } } } else { ....... });}
  4. Hello, how can i make it that the bot delince incomoing tradeoffers: with grey skins, blue skins, sounvier skins, cases and stickers automaticlly? Thank You with best regards Tirrex3
  5. Hey, when i try to send 2 offers with the same item (for example it's a csgo key) and if one offer is accepted, the other one gets a steam error "items now unavailable for trade". I have more than 2 csgo keys in my inventory. What should i do? Save assetids in mysql or something else?
  6. Hi, After accepting any trades and the status change to Accepted, I call the offer.getReceivedItems to update my bot database but the actions array comes without any action. Is this normal? Because if after I accept the trade if I call the tradeOfferManager.loadInventory I get the actions array with some data (and sometimes the assetid changes, but it's not an issue to me). In particular, I just need the inspect in game link. Is this a normal thing or is it a bug?
  7. Prompt please a script by means of which it is possible to accept automatically empty offers (to whom I give nothing in exchange). I think a script will be very simple, but I don't understand it at all. It is necessary that the script scanned, for example time in 10 seconds, available offers and accepted them if nothing is necessary in exchange. Whether it is possible to make it by means of this bot? Two-factor authentication is, but whether it is necessary in this case for offers or only to log in?
  8. Im using this code: offer.getReceivedItems(true, function(err, items) { console.log(err); console.log(JSON.stringify(items)); });But response dont have float value, how can I get it?
  9. After send a trade offer with my bot to pick some user items and after accepted, sometimes this event is called... manager.on('sentOfferChanged', function(offer) {Sometimes this event is called: manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', function(offer, oldState) {What is the difference? :/
  10. Hello, I would like to ask is there a way for me to send a trade offer to a certain player and follow up if the offer is accepted or declined ? If yes, can you please point me in some direction. Thank you in advance
  11. I am currently using the market_hash_name since it is always the same for the item (It's the english version of the market_hash). I've heard something about assetid aswell. I am not sure what to use. (By the way sorry for spamming this forum ) Adding on to that how do I accept trades as long as the itemsToReceive and itemsToGive are correct? I would like to save the itemToReceive and itemToGive that make the bot accept the trade in a trades.js file and add it to this if statement so that it works: if (offer.partner.getSteamID64() === '76561198127334975' | offer.itemsToGive.length === 0 /*|| itemsToReceive.market_hash_name and itemsToGive.market_hash_name from the offer equal those from the config*/) { offer.accept(); } So if anybody can help me with that it would be awesome
  12. The question is how do I 'filter' trade offers. So only accept the offer if the trade contains ... itemsToReceive and ... itemsToGive. I want to achieve this using another file containing those option. I don't know how I should store them (like as an array, array of objects etc). I think an array of objects could work. So I made this as sample file: module.exports = { trades: [{ "itemsToReceive": "Breakout Key", "itemsToGive": "Mac-10 | Neon Rider (Factory New)" }, { "itemsToReceive": "Falchion Key", "itemsToGive": "P250 | Sand Dune (Battle Scarred)" }] } //all values represent their market_hash_name's
  13. Hi, I have tried to deposit 56 items using node bot, and on accepting Trade it returns only 29 Items as new items. I am using getReceivedItems() to get the Items with update assetid.Here is the link, https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOffer#getreceiveditemsgetactions-callback On accepting Trade, i have manageed "sentOfferChanged" event and with in that i have called getReceivedItems og TradeOffer objct to get updated information of Items in Trade as Below: tradeOffer.getReceivedItems(function(err,items){ }) I'm asking on behalf for my developer. any help appreciated!
  14. hello. for example i am creating inctance of TradeOfferManager and begin listening event on. how can i stop listening event .on or other event?
  15. As of December 2015, all users who are losing items in a trade must have the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator enabled, or else the trade will be held for three fifteen days. It's also no longer possible to opt-out of trade confirmations. This means that effectively, all trading bots need a mobile authenticator and need to accept mobile trade confirmations. You don't need an actual physical phone to act as your mobile authenticator, however. Through the efforts of myself and others, you can emulate a mobile authenticator right from node.js, and also accept trade confirmations. Enabling a Mobile Authenticator The Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator provides two-factor authentication security (hereinafter "2FA") for your account, which is more secure than standard email-based Steam Guard. This is done using a "shared secret" which is known to both the Steam servers and to your authenticator. Both sides run this secret through an algorithm along with the current time, which produces a 5-character alphanumeric code. This code is only valid for 30 seconds, and can only be used once. Attempts to reuse a 2FA code (either through the Steam Client or by logging in on steamcommunity.com) will treat the code as incorrect and reject it. For this reason, you can't login more frequently than once in a 30-second period. Enabling 2FA is a three-step process. Link and verify a phone number with your Steam account. You can do this manually from your account page, or programmatically using node-steamstore. Call enableTwoFactor using either node-steam-user or node-steamcommunity. If successful, this will return an object containing a bunch of properties. You should save this entire object. You can call JSON.stringify on it safely to turn it into a string. You'll need the revocation_code in the future if you ever want to disable 2FA. At this stage, 2FA isn't enabled yet. Steam will send you an SMS containing a code which you'll need in step 3. Call finalizeTwoFactor using either node-steam-user or node-steamcommunity. You will need the value of the shared_secret property from the object returned in step 2, and the numeric activation code from your SMS. If successful, your Steam account now has 2FA.Logging in With a Mobile Authenticator If you have 2FA enabled, then for every login you will need to provide a twoFactorCode (unless you're logging in with node-steam-user using a loginKey). You can generate this code using node-steam-totp and your shared_secret which you obtained (and should have saved) when you enabled 2FA. Mobile-Confirming Trades You are now required to confirm all trades in which you lose items. If you don't have 2FA enabled, then these confirmations will go to your email and the trades will be held for fifteen days. If you do have 2FA enabled, then the confirmations must be accepted through Steam's mobile confirmation interface. You can also accept mobile confirmations through node.js. node-steam-tradeoffer-manager doesn't have anything built-in to accept mobile confirmations. This is because mobile confirmations encompass more than just trades -- market listings also require confirmation, and potentially other things in the future. node-steamcommunity can accept your confirmations for you. In order to accept mobile confirmations, you will need the identity_secret (not the shared_secret used for login) from when you enabled 2FA. The best way to do this is to call acceptConfirmationForObject right after each trade offer you send/accept or market listing you create.
  16. Hello, the title says it. How do I accept trades with mobile authenticator? I have looked on the Wiki but couldn't find it. Help is appreciated! x)
  17. Hello, recently i use "getReceivedItems" to get the new assetids from new items in my inventory and save them in my database. Withdraws of the same items to users are very easy in that way (have not to search them in my inventory by name, ...) Most of the time when steam runs in good state i have no problems with that. But sometimes especially on the weekend some outgoing offers fail with state "InvalidItems" or error 26 on retry. Some items (not every from that invaliditems trade) arent anymore with that assetid from my database in my inventory. It looks like they have changed the id. Do you know that problem? is there a way to find out the new assetids without searching them by name in my inventory? My problem with searching by name is (for the repair of the ids), if there is much action on my bot it could happen that a search by name choose very new accepted items (before getReceivedItems write the assetids to my database -> using my database as blacklist which item ids are "free" in my inventory (to find for that missing ids the "new" id...
  18. Hello, Since the latest update, I receive "Unable to accept offer : Unknown state 2" when receiving a new offer. The trade does go through, it goes to accepted afterwards. But for some reason it always emits "Unknown state 2" aswell. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? manager.on('newOffer', function(offer) { console.log("New offer #" + offer.id + " from " + offer.partner.getSteam3RenderedID()); var steamid = offer.partner.getSteamID64(); offer.accept(function (err) { if (err) { console.log("Unable to accept offer: " + err.message); pusherTrigger.trigger('bot_status_ch', 'bot_status', { "message": "offline", "bot": BotID }); } else { steam.checkConfirmations(); console.log("Offer accepted"); } }); });
  19. i am trying to make cluster bot. I wanna have n bot, working in 1 deploy node js app. Can be conflict between session bots?
  20. Hi, I know this is probably a silly question (and probably is in the documentation but my english is not that good), but How could I accept all my sent offers? I mean, I can grab my phone and accept one by one (I have a mobile authenticator for the bots), but how could I automatically accept the sent trade offers. I saw that for 2 factor auth I need to the use the totp (and I still trying to figure out how), but I didn't saw anything about auto accept. Sorry for the silly question.
  21. Hi! I need help with my bot. I want bot to only accept CSGO items but I have no idea where to start. I have read documentation but I can't find any help. Greetings, Turska
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