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  1. So, I am trying to download all .manifest files of all my owned games. Here is the snippet that should do this: client.once("appOwnershipCached", function() { console.log("appOwnershipCached"); client.getProductInfo(client.getOwnedApps(), [], function(apps) { console.log("gotProductInfo"); apploop: for (appid in apps) { depotloop: for (depotid in apps[appid].appinfo.depots) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(depotid))) { //is key the depot id? manifestloop: for (type in apps[appid].appinfo.depots[depotid].manifests) { var manifestid = apps[appid].appinfo.depots[depotid].manifests[type]; client.getRawManifest(parseInt(appid), parseInt(depotid), manifestid, function(error, manifest) { if (!error) { //console.log(manifest); fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname + "/" + depotid + "_" + manifestid + ".manifest"), manifest, "utf8", function(error) { console.log(error); }); } }); break apploop; //limit to 1 manifest for now } } } } }); }); But the .manifest file I get isn't quite the same as the original downloaded directly from Steam. I suspect because the filenames are encrypted with my .manifest file. The problem is though, there is no feature that decrypts the filenames without parsing the raw manifest into an JSON object. Is this the problem? Or is it something else? Should I do something differently? Thanks 11_3149618157612033597.manifest.zip
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