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Posted (edited)


manager.on('pollFailure', function (err) {
	if (err) {
		console.log(`Error polling for trade offers ${err.message}`);
    	        console.log(formatted); // time_and_date


Logged: my_name
2017-09-23 16:42:57
Error polling for trade offers socket hang up
2017-09-23 18:42:57
Logged: my_name
2017-09-23 18:43:27


Error: Already logged on, cannot log on again
    at SteamUser.logOn (/home/steam/node_modules/steam-user/components/logon.js:11:9)
    at TradeOfferManager.<anonymous> (/home/steam/bot.js:267:10)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at TradeOfferManager.emit (events.js:188:7)
    at getOffers (/home/steam/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/polling.js:54:9)
    at _apiCall (/home/steam/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/index.js:453:4)
    at _community.httpRequest (/home/steam/node_modules/steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/webapi.js:32:4)
    at SteamCommunity._checkHttpError (/home/steam/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:90:3)
    at Request._callback (/home/steam/node_modules/steamcommunity/components/http.js:50:61)
    at self.callback (/home/steam/node_modules/request/request.js:186:22)

What is wrong with this code?

Edited by Frohser
  On 9/23/2017 at 9:36 PM, Dr. McKay said:

Sleeping won't work. You need to use setTimeout to delay asynchronously. Delaying synchronously breaks pretty much everything, always.

Using this: const sleep = require('sleep'); // https://www.npmjs.com/package/sleep
Set to 30 and sleeping working.
This code is pretty good?
manager.on('pollFailure', function (err) {
	if (err) {
		console.log("(" + dateTime() + " |" + dateTime(true) + ")" + ` Error polling: ${err.message}`);
    	        //console.log("(" + dateTime() + " |" + dateTime(true) + ")" + ' Log off...');

		setTimeout(function () {
		}, 10000); // 10 seconds


That should work, but for robustness you should listen for the disconnected event then re-login after that gets emitted (but make sure you only call logOn in response to disconnected if you manually initiated the logoff; disconnected can also be emitted if Steam goes down, in which case it will automatically reconnect).

Posted (edited)
  On 9/25/2017 at 9:47 PM, Dr. McKay said:

That should work, but for robustness you should listen for the disconnected event then re-login after that gets emitted (but make sure you only call logOn in response to disconnected if you manually initiated the logoff; disconnected can also be emitted if Steam goes down, in which case it will automatically reconnect).


I don't know if I good understand you but imo yes. Changed little bit my code:

manager.on('pollFailure', function (err) {
    if (err) {
console.log("Error polling");
client.on('disconnected', function () {
   console.log("(" + dateTime() + " |" + dateTime(true) + ")" + " Disconnected... Login in again!");
   setTimeout(function () {
   }, 10000); // 10 seconds

Anyway I'm getting pollFailure - socket hang up always after 2 hours. I check my connection in VPS and also at my home connection and its not a caused by my connection.

Why when I send a request to a remote server, and receive no timely response always after two hours?




Edit: nope... not working.. he didn't logOn

(26/09/2017 | 14:59:45) Logged in!
(26/09/2017 | 17:00:01) Disconnected... Login in again!

Also I changed code to client.relog, but after getting new offer I got error from accepting trade: "Can't accept offer: Not logged in"


Fuck off with this logOn or Relog or whatever... I just put new crontab for restart bot.js every hour and I don't give a shit about this.. I can feel pain -.-

Edited by Frohser
Posted (edited)
  On 9/26/2017 at 10:27 PM, Dr. McKay said:




but make sure you only call logOn in response to disconnected if you manually initiated the logoff; disconnected can also be emitted if Steam goes down, in which case it will automatically reconnect



I'm not sure what to do that... I'm trying with many ways and all failed.


This should work? You wrote about this?

manager.on('pollFailure', function (err) {
	if (err) {
		console.log("(" + dateTime() + " |" + dateTime(true) + ")" + ` Error polling information: ${err.message}`);
        console.log("(" + dateTime() + " |" + dateTime(true) + ")" + ' Login off...');

client.on('disconnected', function () {
   console.log("(" + dateTime() + " |" + dateTime(true) + ")" + " Disconnected... Login in again!");
		if (client.steamID == null) {
			setTimeout(function () {
   			}, 10000); // 10 seconds
		} else { 
			client.webLogOn((err) => {
			if (err) {
			console.log("(" + dateTime() + " |" + dateTime(true) + ")" + err.message)

Edit 1: Script login correctly but... don't print "Logged in!".

client.on('loggedOn', function() {
	client.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Away); // Set status to Away
	console.log("(" + dateTime() + " |" + dateTime(true) + ")" + ` Logged in!\n`); // Output: (26/09/2017 | 12:43:36) Logged in!

PS. Sent 5 usd donate via PayPal :D

Edited by Frohser

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