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This may be a more general question but I hope you can still help me. I have following code:



I created a class which I export using module.exports and can now import in other files. (To keep my code organized)

class SteamBot {
        this.client = new SteamUser();
        this.community = new SteamCommunity();
        this.manager = new TradeOfferManager({
            steam: this.client,
            community: this.community,
            language: 'en'



    getUserInventory(sid, gameid, contextid, onlyTradeable, callback){
        this.manager.getUserInventoryContents(sid, gameid, contextid, onlyTradeable, (err, inventory) => {
                callback(new Error('Could not fetch user inventory'), false);
            } else {
                    callback(err, inventory)


module.exports = SteamBot;


in another file (app.js) I then require the file above (bot.js) and instantiate a new bot:

const SteamBot = require('./bots/bot.js');

const bot = new SteamBot({
    accountName: config.botusername,
    password: config.botpassword,
    twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.botsharedsecret)



So far everything works. I can call the function getUserInventory() by typing bot.getUserInventory(). What I am currently trying to solve is: I need to use the function in other files also (more specifically my router files) and I don't want to instantiate a new bot since it wouldn't be practical. How exactly can I do this? Thanks 

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