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I am fairly new to nodejs and have posted other questions on this forum and i am learning a lot form this forum



How do i use the steam webAPI get commands with the node-steam-user, node-steamcommunity, node-steam-tradeoffer-manager, and node-steam-totp.


Those are the steam npm packages i am using.


The webAPI Command i want to call is:

GET https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamEconomy/GetAssetPrices/v1/

I understand it needs my apikey + appid


Appid = i think it is 753_6 for to use it with trading cards

i am not sure if that is even the correct webAPI caller


I want it to get the names and prices of the Trading Cards and Backgrounds

if possible all in a .json where i could see it at one time

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