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Hello Mr, McKay (and suboordinates). Can you please point me in the direction of the correct protobuf/method/recipe to apply name/descript tags to stock items? 


i found this in the language defintion:


NameItem: 1006:

 NameBaseItem: 1019,


I assume I need the latter one, but I can't identify the correct protobuf/recipe to use them.


Thank you!



tf2._handlers[TF2Language.NameBaseItemResponse] = function(body) {



bb = new ByteBuffer().writeUint64(coerceToLong(6470016595)).writeUint32(735).writeString('wut');

tf2._send(1019, null, bb);


// I figure I also need to supply the item id of the tag...

// nothing happens yet, still banging my head against it. does this look bad?

// will I get a response only on success?

// Sorry I suck with these buffers, still.

// Turns out my handlers werent applying, and I am now able to get a response from the server.

tf2._handlers[TF2Language.NameBaseItemResponse] = function(body) {
var bb = new ByteBuffer(8+4+Buffer.byteLength('wut') + 1, ByteBuffer.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
bb.writeUint32(735); //Sapper Defindex
bb.writeUint64(coerceToLong(6470016595)); // my tag's item id
bb.writeCString('wut'); // the message
tf2._send(TF2Language.NameBaseItem, null, bb);

// outputs

ByteBuffer {
  buffer: <Buffer 00 00 05 00 00 00>,
  offset: 0,
  markedOffset: -1,
  limit: 6,
  littleEndian: true,
  noAssert: false }

// but doesn't perform the desired renaming. ive believe Ive tried all combinations of ordering the variables.

I'll keep banging on it., but I'm still a tad out of my depth, notice me senpai. 

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