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Always get asked for steamGuard


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Hello, I am trying to create a simple chat application that works with steam.
But every time i have the user login, the user has to enter his steamGuard code, even when the sentryfiles are being saved to the dataDirectory.


my steam-user object is made as follows:

this.options = { autoRelogin: true, promptSteamGuardCode: false };
this.client = new SteamUser(this.options);


I currently login using:

"accountName": username,
"password": pass,
"rememberPassword": true


I also tried the setSentry method before calling the logOn method.


Where path is the location of the sentryFile, i can see the sentry.USERNAME.bin files in my appdata.


I also tried logging in with the loginKey recieved from the rememberPassword option, with no success.


How do i make the steamGuard a one-time only thing, like it is supposed to be?

I am probably missing something very simple.

I have tried steam-user 4.0.0-beta.4 and 3.29.2, both have the same effect.


Thanks for the effort beforehand, Iron.

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I was unable to reproduce this on the v3 branch, but there is indeed a bug in v4 that prevents sentry files from being appropriately confirmed with Steam. It will be fixed in beta 5 to be published later today, but for the time being if you delete your sentry file and login with v3 and provide an email code, v4 should then work.

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After deleting all node_modules and reinstalling all dependencies, the V4 beta 4 does not ask for a second steamGuard login if I use the loginKey supplied by the 'loginKey' event and do not supply a password, but do supply the username.


let loginKey = fs.readFileSync(path).toString();
"accountName": username,
"rememberPassword": true,
"loginKey": loginKey


this works, and does not ask for a steamGuard login every time. If I cleanup the storage of the loginKey, I can let the user store and login to multiple accounts.

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  • 2 months later...

After deleting all node_modules and reinstalling all dependencies, the V4 beta 4 does not ask for a second steamGuard login if I use the loginKey supplied by the 'loginKey' event and do not supply a password, but do supply the username.



let loginKey = fs.readFileSync(path).toString();


"accountName": username,

"rememberPassword": true,

"loginKey": loginKey




this works, and does not ask for a steamGuard login every time. If I cleanup the storage of the loginKey, I can let the user store and login to multiple accounts.

Please show me your save loginKey code please ^^ thanks

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