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Inventory does not return all items. Only some items are captured.

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I have tried to deposit 56 items using node bot, and on accepting Trade it returns only 29 Items as new items.
I am using getReceivedItems() to get the Items with update assetid.
On accepting Trade, i have manageed "sentOfferChanged" event and with in that i have called getReceivedItems og TradeOffer objct to get updated information of Items in Trade as Below:
I'm asking on behalf for my developer.
any help appreciated!


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Hi Mckay,


I showed him your post. 


This was the error we are facing on the website. We are using socket io. database is on mysql. Will this error help to identify whats the issue?


<p>Message: Undefined index: assetid</p>

public function deposit_item() {
        if ($this->input->server('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'POST') {
            $message = $_POST['items'];
            $items_update_detail = array(
                'name' => json_encode($message)
            if ($message['type'] == "deposit") {
                $bot_id = $message['bot_id'];
                $steam_id = $message['steam_id'];
                $trade_id = $message['tradeid'];
                $trade_offer_id = $message['tradeofferid'];
                $trade_msg = $message['message'];
                $deposit_detail = array(
                    'deposit_steam_id' => $steam_id,
                    'bot_id' => $bot_id,
                    'asset_id' => '',
                    'trade_offer_id' => $trade_offer_id,
                    'trade_id' => $trade_id,
                    'trade_message' => $trade_msg,
                    'trade_created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $message['time_created']),
                    'trade_updated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $message['time_updated']),
                    'trade_expiry' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $message['expiration_time']),
                $reg_exp = "~Token: (.*?)$~";
                preg_match($reg_exp, $trade_msg, $tokens);
                $security_token = $tokens[1];
                $items = $message['items_to_receive'];
                $items_update_detail = array(
                    'name' => json_encode($items)

                //$new_items = $message['new_assets'];
                $new_items = $_POST['new_items'];
                $new_items_detail = array(
                    'name' => json_encode($new_items)

                $return_array = array();
                $asset_ids = array();
                foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
                    $asset_id = $item['assetid'];
                    $new_asset_id = $new_items[$key]['assetid'];
                    $asset_ids[] = $new_asset_id;
                    $item_detail = $this->Inventory_model->get_inventory_item_assetid($asset_id);
                    if (count($item_detail) > 0) {
                        $item_id = $item_detail['id'];
                        $update_inventory = array(
                            'new_asset_id' => $new_asset_id,
                            'item_type' => 1,
                            'class_id' => $new_items[$key]['classid'],
                            'instance_id' => $new_items[$key]['instanceid'],
                            'security_token' => $security_token
                        $test_trade_update_detail = array(
                            'name' => json_encode($update_inventory)
                        if ($this->Inventory_model->update_item($item_id, $update_inventory)) {
                            $deposit_detail['asset_id'] = $new_asset_id;
                            if ($this->Deposit_model->deposit_item($deposit_detail)) {
                                $return_array['status'] = 1;
                $trade_asset_ids = implode(",", $asset_ids);
                $bot_trade_detail = array(
                    'bot_id' => $bot_id,
                    'user_steam_id' => $steam_id,
                    'trade_id' => $trade_id,
                    'trade_offer_id' => $trade_offer_id,
                    'trade_type' => $message['type'],
                    'trade_status' => $message['trade_offer_state'],
                    'asset_ids' => $trade_asset_ids,
                    'security_token' => $security_token
//                $return_array['deposit_items'] = $this->refresh_inventory_box($steam_id);
            } else {
                $return_array = array(
                    'status' => 0,
                    'msg' => 'Please try again..!!'
            echo json_encode($return_array);

The scenario/issue we are facing, bots is able to trade and receive through socket communication, we are able to deposit 20 items, but the ajax which doesn't update the web inventory correctly, instead of having 20 items in our web inventory, we only received 10, or maybe 13/14 out of the 20 items.



Edited by heaventea
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