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How to get "item_type" from "for_tradingcard=<appid>_<??>"

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After a successful trade, I want to get the item_type (not sure if this is the correct name) for the item(s) - Card, Background, Emoticon or Booster.

If you want to send an offer and request a specific item from steam inventory you can do it with this format:


From my research I've seen that the number which correlate with the item is given by the developer and doesn't follow any pattern.

Is there a way to get it after the trade is completed or from inventory? If not, any other way to get it in order to create a database.


Thank you!


As far as I'm aware, those mystery IDs aren't used anywhere else on Steam so it isn't really possible to associate that. My naive guess is that the mystery ID is just the sequence in which the game developer uploaded their community assets.


I believe that too, and I see that for some games there are a few numbers missing from the sequence, probably they removed them afterward.

Do you know any other in which I can create the link?

I see that steamcardexchange uses this type of link for all their cards. I suppose there might be a way, unless they scrapped all the cards from the badge pages, which I doubt, since you'll need a friend that owns all the cards


Thank you!


I wouldn't be surprised if they did in fact scrape the values. I believe that mystery ID is also the same value as item_type in the response to ajaxgetgoovalue (the preflight that occurs when you gemify an item).


Yes, it is the same item_type (this is why I called it this way). But the problem is that you get in response only the value in gems, you don't know which item_type is which card or background, etc. If I check values between 2 and 40 (maybe?), I may get them all and then separate based on the amount of gems you receive. This will asume to have around 1 milion calls and would most probably won't be accurate.

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