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Steam Developer, I've delved further into the documentation and found that employing disableMobile: true rectifies the issue at hand.

From WIKI:

"disableMobile": false // pass `true` here to have node-steamcommunity not use the mobile login flow. This might help keep your login session alive longer, but you won't get an oAuth token in the login response.

I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. McKay for his substantial contributions and for turning this into reality. His code served as a source of inspiration for me in the past.

Posted (edited)

How do I log in now? I am using steam-session to generate jwt tokens, but when I try to pass the token to


, I get the following error: 

Error: Log in to steamcommunity before installing the access token to the mobile application.

In this case, why not add a login using only refreshToken? Similar to oAuthLogin or logOn in node-steam-user.

Edited by vindisel

That new setMobileAppAccessToken method is only used for 2FA right now, since access tokens are required to enable/disable 2FA. To login via steam-session, you need to call steam-session's getWebCookies method, then provide those cookies to SteamCommunity using setCookies.

1 hour ago, Dr. McKay said:

That new setMobileAppAccessToken method is only used for 2FA right now, since access tokens are required to enable/disable 2FA. To login via steam-session, you need to call steam-session's getWebCookies method, then provide those cookies to SteamCommunity using setCookies.

Thank you. And how long do cookies live? And will sessionExpired be triggered when they die?

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