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McKay Development

Steam sees real country of connection instead of proxy (ip_country_code)


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Hi, I create SteamUser instance and pass http proxy to it, after authentication in event loggedOn comes details object, ip address in it matches ip address of proxy, but in ip_country_code field is country of my real ip, not ip from proxy.

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I noticed that this happens when the Steam client is running on the computer, when the client is turned off the country is displayed correctly. I think I need to check with account B, with Steam client running with account A.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/9/2024 at 10:11 PM, Dr. McKay said:

Maybe your proxy's IP doesn't geomap to the country you expect.

I checked again. Steam client is logged in under account A, through steam-user I logged in to account B, ip_country_code was correct and matched the country of the proxy. But if I login to account A with Steam enabled with account A, the country code will match the real ip, not the proxy country

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