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Trade Offer Manager is incorrectly retrieving data about some items after Steam market changes.

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I have noticed that when I get items from: getExchangeDetails() as ReceivedItems, when I iterate them and simply console.log them, I see this:
It says "Tradable: false", but I just traded it and can trade it again.
It says "Marketable: false", but I can sell it on SCM.
This was not happening in the past.
SCM link for the item: https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/440/Unusual Taunt%3A Mourning Mercs Unusualifier

9 hours ago, Dr. McKay said:

What's there is what Steam reports. I can't help you if the backend is returning bad data.

I see, is it safe to assume that the item is marketable if "market_tradable_restriction" is above 0?


I had to deal with a similar situation, and I think it might be a bit more complicated.

Earlier today we had a problem where the majority of tf2 currency items suddenly registered as non-tradable in trade offers.
After some time troubleshooting I narrowed the problem down to the _assetCache, for whatever reason the tradable property was set as a boolean true rather than a string "1". And since EconItem converts it to boolean with parseInt, it obviously registered as false when an EconItem was constructed out of it.

For reference i attached the cached description file in question. We are running 2.11.3.


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