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Posted (edited)

Hi I'm using getPersonas to retrieve people's username from a steam id but when I'm calling it ir returns me an error. I've checked npm and I have the last version of steam-user. Is it uncompatible with node-steam?


var ids = steamids.map(function(id) {

TypeError: steamids.map is not a function
    at SteamUser.getPersonas (***/node_modules/steam-user/components/friends.js:119:21)

I didn't forget to call the lib:
// Requires
var Steam        = require("steam"),
    SteamGroups  = require("steam-groups"),
    User         = require('steam-user'),
    util         = require("util"),
    fs           = require("fs"),
    csgo         = require("../"),
    readlineSync = require("readline-sync"),
    crypto       = require("crypto"),
    pg           = require('pg');
// Objects
var bot          = new Steam.SteamClient(),
    steamUser    = new Steam.SteamUser(bot),
    steamFriends = new Steam.SteamFriends(bot),
    steamGroup   = new SteamGroups(bot),
    steamGC      = new Steam.SteamGameCoordinator(bot, 730),
    CSGOCli      = new csgo.CSGOClient(steamUser, steamGC, false),
    advUser      = new User();

Edited by zephylac
Posted (edited)

When using getPersonas, it simply does this.




AKA, it does nothing.


I'm assuming the callback just doesn't get called???



function makeAccount(account_name) {
	client.getPersonas([account_name], function(per){
		accounts.splice(0, 1);
Edited by rusty
  • 3 months later...

Hello, and sorry for bumping!


I am getting this as response, which I supose being invalid:




My code:


steamUser.getPersonas(["76561198313712684"], function (data) { console.log(data) });
Not sure if helps, but I'm calling this as soon as the webSession event fires (already tried with loggedOn event, same result). Am I missing something?


Thank you :)

Posted (edited)
		function (sessionID, sessionCookies) {
			self.sessionID = sessionID;
			self.sessionCookies = sessionCookies;
				function(cookie) {
					self.httpRequestJar.setCookie(self.httpRequest.cookie(cookie), 'https://steamcommunity.com');
				function (e) {
					if(!e) {
						self.apiKey = self.steamTradeOffers.apiKey;
                                                //I DO REQUEST getPersonas HERE
					} else {
						self.emit("error", e);
		function (response) {
			if(response.eresult == steamInterface.EResult.OK) {
				self.steamInterface.setPersona(steamInterface.EPersonaState.Online, self.nickname);

Maybe I should wait for an event/callback from setPersona, but how?

Edited by Van Kappa

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