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  1. Yesterday
  2. Those xml endpoints are pretty unreliable and anything that uses them should probably be considered deprecated. Using the WebAPI for anything that it covers is going to be your best bet.
  3. Last week
  4. Sorry I misspoke, apikey rather than authentication. I would rather not to have to either use both or reimplement in node-steam when I know the data is right there in the xml query that node-steamcommunity is already using. I've made a basic first pass that extracts the info I need: https://github.com/Morgyn/node-steamcommunity/blob/master/classes/CSteamUser.js
  5. Why would you need to authenticate? Just use an API key.
  6. So implement node-steam instead? I really don't want to have to implement authentication for something that's just public. Would you be against me submitting a pull request if I add this to node-steamcommunity? Should be fairly trivial as you're already pulling the data.
  7. You can get that data using GetPlayerSummaries.
  8. That's expected behavior. If it's no longer connected to Steam, the data may be stale. Cache it somewhere else yourself if you need it after disconnect.
  9. I have just noticed from the source you pull from the xml version. <inGameServerIP></inGameServerIP><inGameInfo> <gameName>Rust</gameName> <gameLink>https://steamcommunity.com/app/252490</gameLink> <gameIcon> https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/252490/820be4782639f9c4b64fa3ca7e6c26a95ae4fd1c.jpg </gameIcon> <gameLogo> https://shared.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/252490/21aac0b6e20e1ba12f635e7deb730e32a51afbd5/capsule_184x69.jpg?t=1738927718 </gameLogo> <gameLogoSmall> https://shared.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/252490/21aac0b6e20e1ba12f635e7deb730e32a51afbd5/capsule_184x69.jpg?t=1738927718 </gameLogoSmall> <gameJoinLink>steam://connect/</gameJoinLink> </inGameInfo>
  10. Hi, Would it be possible to have an interface to grab the server that someone is connected to with the green "Join Game" button. <div class="profile_in_game persona in-game"> <div class="profile_in_game_header">Currently In-Game</div> <div class="profile_in_game_name"> Rust </div> <div class="profile_in_game_joingame"> <a href="steam://connect/" class="btn_green_white_innerfade btn_small_thin"> <span>Join Game</span> </a> </div> </div> Above is the section of code that contains the button, I'm not sure if this is out of scope of this library. Thanks!
  11. @Dr. McKay I mean the values of the created SteamUser instance, such as the SteamID, balance, and limitations—essentially everything conveniently stored in the instance. These values are all reset to zero, for example, when the connection is briefly lost, making it difficult for me to work with them. If I then try to retrieve some of these values, like the SteamID, my program crashes immediately because they are no longer set.
  12. Values like what?
  13. When using SteamUser, I noticed that certain variables are frequently set to null in specific situations within the instance created for the user (e.g., const session = new SteamUser() ). This occurs not only during brief disconnections but also in other scenarios. Why does this happen? How can it be prevented, especially considering that the values were correct before? Ideally, I would like to ensure that the values always remain valid, especially if they were already correct and are never simply reset to null. Is there a way to configure this?
  14. didn't find the method?
  15. Earlier
  16. thats weird because same county dosent cause any problems how ever i recomend using a proxy for a static ip
  17. Nothing special in last months. Sankt-Peterburg - bot's ip. Permskiy kray - mine. Country is the same. Last ban was 12 march. Unfortunately, i don't have English version screenshot, but it should be clear anyway. Server's as i said located in Saint Petersburg. Thanks!
  18. then chk your login history and see which countires it tried to login from
  19. i'm not using proxy at all. Bot does not change its ip. But I log into account from my IP to buy stuff, but i do not trade anything. Is this a problem?
  20. Hello, I have a trading bot that processes up to 1000 trades per day. But after about 7-14 days bot always gets locked with reason "your account may have been accessed by someone else". Full text: What could be the problem? Is the problem just in amount of processed trades per day or am i missing something? I can show the code if it's necessary. Thanks!
  21. I already found the reason and solved it, it was the fault that I use vpn and closing the dialog box with security questions worked for logging in with steamguard code but automatically rejects logging in with qr code.
  22. I accepted the login over the phone and closed the dialog box with security questions about the login sample questions: are you trying to pick up a free skin or are you trying to enter a tournament
  23. Did you decline the login on your mobile device? That's what I've seen cause FileNotFound.
  24. thanks doc ❤️. for now, i just redirect them to https://help.steampowered.com/en/wizard/HelpWhyCantITrade
  25. I used the official example to test but it doesn't work. I want to combine this with the steam-user library (which is working fine so far but I want to add qr login)
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