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Dr. McKay

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  1. Dr. McKay's post in getting error on enabling 2FA was marked as the answer   
    You can't enable 2FA if you already have 2FA enabled.
  2. Dr. McKay's post in Is any option to get the list of friends.? was marked as the answer   
    ^ You need to either use node-steam-user or call the GetFriendList WebAPI method.
  3. Dr. McKay's post in bind ip to node-steam-user was marked as the answer   
    var CMClient = require('steam-client').CMClient; var SteamUser = require('steam-user');   var client = new CMClient(); client.bind('');   var user = new SteamUser(client);
  4. Dr. McKay's post in Uses of steam-user was marked as the answer   
    You can use getPersonas to get persona data. Off the top of my head (this might not work), getting an avatar URL would go something like this:
    user.getPersonas(["76561198006409530"], (personas) => {     var hash = personas["76561198006409530"].avatar_hash.toString('hex');     var url = "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/" + hash.substring(0, 2) + "/" + hash + "_full.jpg"; });
  5. Dr. McKay's post in createAccount doesn't work was marked as the answer   
    You need to wait until the loggedOn event is emitted.
  6. Dr. McKay's post in Auth into steam through steamcommunity.com site was marked as the answer   
    Show your code. If your code is right, then your secret or your clock is wrong, or you're trying to reuse a code.
  7. Dr. McKay's post in Accepting trades with mobile authenticator was marked as the answer   
    I've made a new pinned post detailing this: https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/289-trading-and-escrow-mobile-trade-confirmations/
  8. Dr. McKay's post in Is steam api calls count as ratelimit? was marked as the answer   
    Officially there's a 100,000 request-per-day limit, but besides that there's no IP/key rate-limit or throttling.
  9. Dr. McKay's post in Using node-steamcommunity with Openshift was marked as the answer   
    SteamCommunity doesn't save anything to disk on its own. One of the examples might, but you can change it easily.
  10. Dr. McKay's post in How can I accept only CSGO items was marked as the answer   
    Check the appid property of all the items in the offer.
  11. Dr. McKay's post in Can Accounts Trade After Format Server? was marked as the answer   
    If you're using the mobile authenticator then logging in from a new device doesn't have any trade cooldowns.
  12. Dr. McKay's post in How can i pull the item names? was marked as the answer   
    Set a language and the objects in the arrays of items (itemsToGive and itemsToReceive) will have names in them.
  13. Dr. McKay's post in How to "reload" an offer was marked as the answer   
    Use update. That will update the offer from the API.
    offer.update(function(err) {     if (err) {         console.log(err);     } else {         // now the offer is fresh from the WebAPI     } });
  14. Dr. McKay's post in 'TypeError: listener must be a function' on SteamUser.logOff() was marked as the answer   
    The only way I was able to reproduce this was by trying to log off without first being logged on. Please make sure you aren't doing that.
  15. Dr. McKay's post in Auto enter steam guard code on logon? was marked as the answer   
    You can use steam-totp along with your shared_secret.
  16. Dr. McKay's post in confirmationChecker limiting? was marked as the answer   
    The documentation suggests that you don't go lower than 10 seconds.
  17. Dr. McKay's post in data method was marked as the answer   
    Yes. Offer data is stored in poll data, so as long as you're saving and restoring poll data, then the offer's data should be available forever.
  18. Dr. McKay's post in The fastest way to get notifications from Steam was marked as the answer   
    Using the Steam client is the fastest way to get notifications, but you still need polling to make sure you get everything (Steam doesn't send notifications when offers you send in which you receive no items are accepted, for example). Polling every second is overkill, but is possible.
  19. Dr. McKay's post in Method to get the games that i account has was marked as the answer   
    Your own account? Or someone else's account?
    If you want games someone else owns, there's a WebAPI method for that.
  20. Dr. McKay's post in node-steamcommunity cookies renewal was marked as the answer   
    1. Calling login() again with your username and password is guaranteed to renew your session (unless Steam is having problems). The oAuthLogin method is supposed to do this, but I believe it doesn't work 100% as expected.
    2. There isn't any event. Currently you just have to check loggedIn every so often. The next update will most likely add such an event.
  21. Dr. McKay's post in getActions was marked as the answer   
    Just pass true for that argument, and in the callback the items will have an actions array defined and populated with the inspect link (and any other applicable actions).
  22. Dr. McKay's post in setSentry was marked as the answer   
    Yes, that will work fine.
    Note that on Windows, the sentry (ssfn) file that the client uses is hidden. The visible one is a decoy.
    The sentry file used by the client is named in config/config.vdf (if I remember correctly).
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