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Dr. McKay

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  1. Dr. McKay's post in Malformed Trade Offer was marked as the answer   
  2. Dr. McKay's post in Process exception handle failed was marked as the answer   
  3. Dr. McKay's post in Decline Trade Hold was marked as the answer   
  4. Dr. McKay's post in Bots without API was marked as the answer   
    You don't have to buy games. Just adding $5 to your wallet is sufficient.
  5. Dr. McKay's post in bind ip to node-steam-user & node-steamcommunity was marked as the answer   
    The constructor is new SteamCommunity()
  6. Dr. McKay's post in Will I get 7 day penality ? was marked as the answer   
    If you're using two-factor authentication (via SDA or whatever), then there's no new-device cooldown, so no.
    But if you aren't, then the answer is still no because "devices" are remembered by sentry files. Your sentry file is saved by steam-user in your appdata directory, so it will always be reused on the same machine (until you reformat or whatever).
  7. Dr. McKay's post in Error: HTTP error 302 on editProfile() was marked as the answer   
    Thanks, live in v3.27.1.
  8. Dr. McKay's post in I get this error just randomly alot?? Fix? was marked as the answer   
    You're logging on too frequently.
  9. Dr. McKay's post in Listening for accepted trade offer from real trade was marked as the answer   
  10. Dr. McKay's post in acceptConfirmationForObject error 504 was marked as the answer   
    There shouldn't be any need to cancel it. You already have the offer ID, unlike error 16. When you get 504 just wait a bit, check if it's been confirmed, and if not then confirm it again.
  11. Dr. McKay's post in Trade confirmations seem stuck was marked as the answer   
    You might want to try logging into the account in a browser and pulling up https://steamcommunity.com/mobileconf/conf, see if that 504s as well.
    As for telling Valve what you're using, just say you're using SDA I guess. I don't imagine Valve could be hostile toward that, as it isn't exclusively for bot use.
  12. Dr. McKay's post in httpRequest with store.steampowered.com was marked as the answer   
    You're kind of meant to use steam-store for store.steampowered.com requests, but I could see how it would be more useful to have that available in steamcommunity, especially since steam-store doesn't offer the HTTP stuff. This is now available in 3.26.0.
  13. Dr. McKay's post in Error: There was an error sending your trade offer. Please try again later. (15) was marked as the answer   
    You aren't up to date.
  14. Dr. McKay's post in Two steam account on one bot. was marked as the answer   
    If you do it right, it doesn't really matter how many processes you're using. Databases remain consistent regardless of how many processes are accessing them, provided you're querying correctly.
  15. Dr. McKay's post in Any way to fetch Spiral Knights ContextIDs? was marked as the answer   
    You can use steamcommunity for that: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/CSteamUser#getinventorycontextscallback
  16. Dr. McKay's post in How do you get shared_secret? was marked as the answer   
  17. Dr. McKay's post in Contra offer without trade url or friendship was marked as the answer   
  18. Dr. McKay's post in Cannot read property 'escrowDays' of undefined was marked as the answer   
    You aren't checking the error. In every callback, if err is truthy, then there was an error and all other arguments are undefined.
  19. Dr. McKay's post in Confirmations error was marked as the answer   
    This is being discussed in issue #122.
  20. Dr. McKay's post in tradeOffers event and changes in state was marked as the answer   
    Correct. steam-tradeoffer-manager will handle all that polling for you.
  21. Dr. McKay's post in Minimal code to stay logged in forever... was marked as the answer   
    1) I'd keep your login checker code in there. The manager will only notice that your session is gone when you try to send/accept an offer. Normal polling and canceling offers uses the WebAPI and your API key, so the session isn't actually used there.
    2) That's more than fine. 5 requests per minute is super low.
    3) You're correct, your first snippet generated the code once on boot. It ceased to be valid once you used it.
  22. Dr. McKay's post in Poll Data - JSON.stringify returns undefined was marked as the answer   
    You probably attached a function to the poll data somewhere else in your code. That taints the entire object and makes it unserializable.
    Look around for somewhere where you're attaching a function to pollData.
  23. Dr. McKay's post in Is it possible to change profile picture trough steam npm? was marked as the answer   
  24. Dr. McKay's post in Items in trade are undefined? was marked as the answer   
    Use steamID.toString() instead of JSON.stringify.
  25. Dr. McKay's post in How to check if im connected to steam network? was marked as the answer   
    The steamID property will be null if you aren't connected. It'll be a SteamID object if you are.
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