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Everything posted by szustka124

  1. Thanks Probably I will use get request, but can I use getGameBadgeLevel(gamId, callback) with steamid?
  2. Hello How to get badge level another person, friend?
  3. Hello, When I send offer i get error: "callback is not a function" in steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/helpers.js in 45 line. That is my code: function sendOffer(customer, bot, customerItems, botItems) { var botInventory = manager.getUserInventoryContents(customer, 753, 6, true, function(err, inventory, currencies) { return inventory; }); var customerInventory = manager.getUserInventoryContents(bot, 753, 6, true, function(err, inventory, currencies) { return inventory; }); var Exchange = manager.createOffer(customer); var message = "Thank You for trading with me. Here's your cards. This offer expires in 10 minutes."; var ExchangeBot = GetExchangeItems(botInventory, botItems); var ExchangeUser = GetExchangeItems(customerInventory, customerItems); Exchange.addTheirItems(ExchangeUser); Exchange.addMyItems(ExchangeBot); Exchange.send(message, 'Dh58A2w', function(err, status) { console.log('Exchange ID:' + Exchange.id + ' send: ', status); }); } And I have second question. How to send offers to friends without token?
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