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  1. Ok, I think I understand. The inviteToGroup needs to be user.inviteToGroup(groupID) while you can also use community.inviteUserToGroup(userID, groupID). Last question, when using the object method version(user.inviteToGroup) how does the script know who its inviting to the group? It's not like you can log into that account.
  2. Thanks but that doesn't have the same parameteres as what OP is using...
  3. After looking through the wiki for the SteamCommunity module I cannot find the method for inviting a user to a group. Can someone please tell me where to find info about it and how to use it. Thanks EDIT: I found where the function is mentioned but it doesn't look like its used how other people are using it as seen here.
  4. I'm wondering where you found that method "inviteUserToGroup". I looked in the wiki for the SteamCommunity module and couldn't find that method. @Dr. McKay
  5. I could do that, but I need the bot sending a message as a trigger.
  6. No, I am working on a bot for a friend. I made it so when someone types !pause the bot won't respond to commands. He wants it to be able to be !pause from himself so his friends don't have to always !pause. I'm not trying to send a message, just know when I've sent one, who to, and the message itself
  7. I was looking through the API for steam-user. I can't seem to find the event-id for when I send a message. I found one for receiving but not sending. Anyone know? Thanks
  8. function compareItems(offer){ var myItems=0; var yoItems=0; //need to get items "specialty" value and multiply by percent for (var index = 0; index < offer.itemsToGive.length; ++index) { var x= offer.itemsToGive[index].market_hash_name; var price=list[x].safe_price; console.log(x); console.log(price); if(price!=0){ myItems+=price; logger.info("Used v2 pricing"); } else{ // myItems+=list[x].7_days.average_price; steamlytics.csgo.prices(x, function(err, data){ if(err) logger.error(err); else{ myItems+=data.median_price; logger.info("Used regular price function"); console.log(data.median_price); } }); } } for (var index = 0; index < offer.itemsToRecieve.length; ++index) { var x= offer.itemsToRecieve[index].market_hash_name; var price=list[x].safe_price; console.log(x); console.log(price); if(price!=0){ yoItems+=price; logger.info("Used v2 pricing"); } else{ // myItems+=list[x].7_days.average_price; steamlytics.csgo.prices(x, function(err, data){ if(err) logger.error(err); else{ yoItems+=data.median_price; logger.info("Used regular price function"); console.log(data.median_price); } }); } } return myItems < yoItems; } I tried using the above code to run through an offer and compare the prices of each side. I get an error with the length property of the array itemsToGive/Recieve although in the API it is stated that they are arrays. I received the following error. I will attempt to do the same thing using a for-of or forEach loop. I will post again shortly with whatever happens. Thanks for reading EDIT: When I did a for-of loop it didn't give me errors, but nothing ever printed out, meaning the loop never ran. I'll look through the rest of my code to try and find why. This is my code
  9. I just finished making the bare essentials of my Trade Bot. I'm looking for a way to get reliable pricing on items. I am not sure what to use as I want information that is up to date and accurate. So far I have found the following: https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-steamlytics https://www.npmjs.com/package/csgo-market https://www.npmjs.com/package/@node-steam/market-pricing https://www.npmjs.com/package/steam-market-pricing https://github.com/andrewda/CSGOItemDB Does anyone have any recommendations on what to use?
  10. I tried this, it worked and logged in but then gave me the following error. EDIT: Nevermind, I was using the wrong value for my identity_secret. I changed it and it worked var timeOffset; //getting offset for log in SteamTotp.getTimeOffset(function(error, offset, latentcy){ timeOffset=offset; }); client.logOn({ accountName: Config.username, password: Config.password, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.getAuthCode(Config.shared_secret, timeOffset) });
  11. I found a acceptConfimationForObject method here rather than here. I'll try it out and let you know if it works
  12. How can I do that?
  13. How can I confirm it, I started the confirmation checker when the client gets a web session. I am at school right now so I will post the code of how I thought it was confirmed when I get home.
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