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Everything posted by xLeeJYx

  1. This is a problem and another problem is you are using the same name for loading both inventories. `loadInventory` and `getPartnerInventoryContents` both are using the same callback name `inventory`. This is making the code break
  2. xLeeJYx


    use getSteamGroup to get the group details and then getMembers to get the steamids of the members in your group. You can store the array somewhere in the code or anywhere u want it. Then check if the id is present in that array when a message is received
  3. @2can your newOffer event should be processOffer(offer) Its better off you coding it yourself since you can learn your mistake and improve. Not by copying blindly from others and not knowing what is it doing
  4. https://github.com/xLeeJYx/TF2-Crafting-Recipe/blob/master/craftRecipe.json Follow that, and btw you have to craft scrap to reclaimed, then reclaimed to refined. You cant go x9 scrap immediately to refined
  5. you should get it in a few minutes once the function is executed. im just curious if you are logged in when you use this function
  6. https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user#changeemailoptions-callback you need the code sent to your email
  7. callback bro. You didnt do anything
  8. function checkAvailableKey(inventory,acceptedKeyList){ var i = 0; var availableKey = new Array(); while (i <= inventory.length){ if (acceptedKeyList.indexOf(inventory[i].market_hash_name) !== -1){ availableKey.push(i); i++; } else{ i++; } } return availableKey; } try changing it to this, function checkAvailableKey(inventory,acceptedKeyList){ var i = 0; var availableKey = new Array(); while (i <= inventory.length){ if (acceptedKeyList.indexOf(inventory[i].market_hash_name) >= 0){ availableKey.push(i); i++; } else{ i++; } } return availableKey; }
  9. xLeeJYx

    mobile phone

    the first callback is your steamguard details, and your first code only have 1 callback function which automatically is your steamguard details
  10. xLeeJYx

    mobile phone

    that is what you surposed to do .... you only put 1 callback function and it automatically is the first callback (steamguard activated or no)
  11. xLeeJYx

    mobile phone

  12. without scraping it do you know their inputs and where to POST it to ? btw change your attitude, before you ask people to rethink their life decision, think about yours first
  13. can you use your pc without a motherboard ? If you don't get it.... No
  14. O.o seems interesting. wanna know where does he get to those links
  15. i dont think so there are such function. Maybe try scraping the html page ?
  16. spamming friend request eh ? I wont even try to help since I been getting spam friend request from scam bots. And i think very less people will like what you are doing and probably wont help
  17. There's a thing called google =_=
  18. You cant expect us to imagine what you coded
  19. its called event. manager.on('sentOfferChanged',function(offer,oldstate){ /* Do your stuff */ }) https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-tradeoffer-manager/wiki/TradeOfferManager#sentofferchanged
  20. Explored the tf2 item files and found the full list of them. If you need it you can pm me
  21. Hello, was wondering you have a fill list of TF2 crafting recipe numbers. I manage to get some by myself by crafting Craft Weapon x2 = 3 Scrap x3 -> Reclaimed = 4 Reclaimed x3 -> Refined = 5 Craft Weapon x3 -> Class Token = 7 Craft Weapon x3 -> Slot Token = 8 Craft Weapon + Class Token -> Class Token = 13 Craft Weapon + Slot Token -> Slot Token = 14 Reclaimed -> Scrap x3 = 22 Refined -> Reclaimed x3 = 23
  22. Lol i havent start playing much with it yet. Only thing i did what sorting bp using it. Youll need extra work for that
  23. If the item is not transfered to another account, it wont change
  24. var SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var newUser = new SteamUser(); var details = { "accountName": '<username>', "password": '<password>' } newUser.logOn(details);Try doing this
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